Workout for 6 Pack Abs Anywhere – 4 Easy Exercises

A typical workout for 6 pack abs takes about 30 minutes to a full hour. But that can be a little bit limiting, especially if you want to see results fast. Doing exercises sporadically during the day, even when you’re not in workout mode, can fix all that.

Take away a solid 10 hours for your time spent in public, like in the office or school, and another 8 for rest. That leaves you with 6 hours – that’s still plenty of time to do all sorts of things.

Taking advantage of all that remaining time is the best way to get 6 pack abs fast. Where every movement and every bit of energy spent counts, you’ll definitely be surprised by how quick you get those washboard abs.

The Fantastic Four: Abdominal Exercises You Can Do Virtually Anywhere

You may or may not be familiar with the techniques listed below. But I assure you that these easy yet effective fat-burning, core-strengthening exercises can reinforce your program even when you’re not in the middle of your actual workout for 6 pack abs.

1. Sit-ups and Crunches. These are the most basic exercises for your abs. Do variations, such as the oblique crunch (come up diagonally rather than vertically), and you’ll never get bored of them.

2. Seated Torso Twist. This one works like a reverse sit-up, but with an added twist (quite literally, actually). While seated, bend your knees with both of your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lean backward until you are at a 45-degree angle, and hold that position for as long as you can. When your abdominal muscles start to tremble, you know it’s working.

3. Standing Side Bends. You might already have these in your workout for 6 pack abs, but it can only be more advantageous if you continue performing them afterward. Standing abdominal exercises are actually better because they don’t strain your back or neck as much as seated abdominal exercises do. Also, you don’t have to sprawl yourself out on the floor, which can’t be good if you’re wearing a skirt or expecting company.

4. Dance. Basic belly dancing and hip-hop moves are easy and FUN to do. You can do them alone or involve your friends and family.

With any of these exercises, it is important to keep those core muscles TIGHT. Remember to contract your abdominal muscles, as if pulling your belly button inward. This will ensure that you get the most out of these spur-of-the-moment exercises.

Unlike your workout for 6 pack abs, you don’t have to bring out your yoga mat or put on your gym clothes for these exercises. You can perform any of these while doing household chores, watching television, or talking on the phone.

Work those muscles even after your workout for 6 pack abs.  Who knew idle time could be so much fun.

What’s your favorite six pack abs exercise? Share your opinion below.

The Power of Hypnosis for Weight Loss Revealed!

Needless to say, hypnosis is now one of the trends in weight loss thanks to a segment about the topic in The Doctor Oz Show. Of course you’ve heard this and probably think that the idea is absurd. However, hypnosis for weight loss might be the answer to what many people are searching for in terms of fast and effective weight reduction.

This fact is verified by Dr. Oz and numerous experts. Listen to this. Dr. Oz stated in his show that hypnosis can be useful to prevent over eating which is the main problem for people who are trying to lose weight.

Paul McKenna who is a best selling author in Great Britain demonstrated his way of using hypnosis for weight loss. He also has a Ph.D. in human behavior and is a well-known international television host. Fact! According to McKenna, food craving is a behavior that is learned thus it can be unlearned. Moreover, he believes that the mind can be reprogrammed so that the person would eat less, resulting to weight loss.

What is Hypnosis?

This statement is supported by Shlomo Vaknin, a certified hypnotherapist and Neuro Linguistic Programming master practitioner. Interestingly, hypnosis is a natural state of mind that everyone experiences daily. Whenever a person “zooms out” he/she is in a state of hypnosis.

You won’t believe this one!  Many studies have already proven that it is a natural state wherein the subconscious mind can be accessed. Since this is where memories, habits and beliefs are stored, being able to access this state means that habits can be modified for whatever purpose such as eating less or quitting smoking. Just plain awesome, isn’t it?

Patterns that Prevent Weight Loss

Want more proof? According to McKenna, there are two patterns that prevent people from losing weight. Now listen closely! He claims that hypnosis is an effective tool to modify these patterns for the goal of weight loss.

The first pattern is emotional eating. This is the problem of most people who are overweight. They use food to fill a gap in their life and make them feel good temporarily. The second pattern is obsessive dieting. Some people jump from one diet to another but always fail to stick with it thus weight loss is not achieved.

Advantages of Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Okay, let’s talk about the pros of hypnosis for weight loss. The main advantage of using hypnosis for weight loss is that it is neither a magic trick nor a myth. Hypnotherapy deals with reasons why the patient is overweight. Usually, when these reasons are properly dealt with, the problem is permanently solved and the result is weight loss. To stress again, hypnotherapy basically promotes permanent lifestyle changes.

Another advantage is that hypnosis is non-invasive and very safe as long as it is done under the supervision of a qualified hypnotherapist. Hypnotic therapy is also very individualized wherein sessions are adapted according to the particular needs of each patient. This is one of the reasons why it has a high success rate.

Disadvantages of Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Let’s face the fact that there will always be cons. We can see that the main disadvantage of using hypnosis for weight loss is the lack of statutory regulation of hypnotherapists. As a result, there are many unqualified and even deceitful practitioners who are just after other people’s hard-earned money.

Now read these facts very carefully. Another disadvantage is that hypnotherapy is not recommendable for people with epilepsy and serious psychological disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and split personality. Additionally, the process takes a lot of work and is definitely not an instant miracle solution. Hypnotherapy for weight loss may not work for everybody.

The most important facts are out, folks! Weigh the pros and cons. You be the judge of this benefit!

Have you tried other alternative methods to losing weight? Share them with us through the comment box below.

The Flat Stomach Workout – The Bicycle Exercise

If you want to achieve a leaner and toner abs, you should have a regular flat stomach workout. The best and fastest way to get that flat stomach and target the three main abdominal muscles is by doing the bicycle exercise. What is the bicycle exercise anyway? It is a simple exercise done by lying down on your back while imitating the movements of cycling.

Grab your exercising mat and lay it down on the floor. Now lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, and slightly bend your knees while lifting them towards your chest. This is the starting position. Now, lift your shoulders off the floor using your abdominal muscles and straighten your right leg at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn your body towards the left, making sure that your right elbow touches your bent left knee.

Now, switch sides, do the same cycle on your right, making sure that your left elbow touches your right bent knee, your left leg should be straightened this time. Alternate the movements simultaneously and you’ll notice that you’re doing a cycling motion. Do you feel the abdominals muscles working? You should feel the burn on your upper abs, lower abs, and side obliques while doing this flat stomach workout.

What other flat stomach exercises can you share? Let us know by entering your comments below.

Truth About Abs – The Online Diet and Fitness Phenomenon That’s Sweeping The Nation…And The World

The Truth About Abs Program has been in existence for quite some time now. It also happens to be the No. 1 rated online abs program today (as ranked by, with close to 300,000 readers from over 150 countries worldwide. Despite the emergence of countless miracle pills, quick fix supplements, and sketchy weight loss programs available virtually everywhere, you come to realize the real benefits of a more lasting, more dependable, and highly credible source of fitness and diet information. True enough, you get all that from the tried and tested Truth About Abs Program. In this Truth About Abs review, you’ll definitely discover what makes it a cut above the rest.

Both men and women of all ages, from the United States and all around the world, have successfully burned massive amounts of excess fat and developed serious six pack abs by just sticking to the Truth About Abs Program. Even today, you will come across an overabundance of positive reviews, raving comments, and actual life-changing success stories about the program – a true testament of Mike Geary’s brutally candid and effective stamp of success in the digital age.

Backed by hard scientific research and many years of experience as a certified fitness trainer and certified nutrition expert, Mike Geary has truly come up with a one-stop, all-inclusive, easy to use, and very results-oriented system that has transformed and vastly improved the lives of many. He has over 1,300 published articles under his belt, and has also penned the latest best-selling nutrition program – The Fat Burning Kitchen: Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat Burning Machine. Not only is he a well-respected, accomplished figure in his field, but he also showed great promise as an academic achiever. He graduated from Susquehanna University with a Bachelors of Science degree.

He takes much pride in his constant thirst for knowledge and improvement. With every copy of his successful ebook sold, his commendable principles are passed on to each and every one of his clients. That probably is the main reason why his ebook has been such a hit all these years.

All throughout the ebook, you will discover revolutionary and out-of-the box techniques on how to effectively carry out both abs and full body workouts. Moreover, it includes very detailed chapters on the real deal with proper nutrition, including revealing truths about certain kinds of foods and valuable diet tips that will change the way you view food forever.

To summarize, the Truth About Abs Program was created to put an end to yoyo dieting and clueless, unfruitful, and baseless fitness routines. With this fitness program, you will be much equipped with the know-how and the best strategies to lose unattractive body fat, build muscle, and maintain the best figure you’ve had in years.

You can get more information on the Truth About Abs Program and download the ebook here:

Have you given this program a try? Did it work for you? Leave your own story below.

All about Interval Training—Equip Yourself with Accurate Information

There are a lot of myths about weight loss— lose pounds in 5 minutes, fast weight loss, instant weight loss, and other compelling ads. The truth is it surprises me why many people get fooled by such unproven techniques. Listen. The key is knowing how to dig up accurate information and how to put it into practice.  You’ve probably heard about Interval training. Do you want to learn more about it? Now I would like to help you.

What is Interval Training?

Ok, let’s start. Basically, interval training is a type of exercise that consists of an activity performed at a high intensity for a period alternated with periods of low intensity. This activity is performed around 15-30 minutes alternating between the two periods or intervals.

So let’s talk about the 2 intervals used in Interval training: Sprint Interval and Rest Interval.

Sprint Interval

Listen here. The period of high intensity is also called sprint intervals. It can either be measured by time or distance. An example would be sprinting or running as fast as you can for 30 seconds or for a distance of 100 meters.

Rest Interval

The period of low intensity is also called rest period or rest interval. It’s important to understand that during this period/interval, the person performing the activity doesn’t stop but continues to perform the activity at a low intensity, allowing him/her to recover from the high intensity period.

Read these facts carefully. The length of the rest interval depends on the fitness level of the person and kind of sprint interval performed. This is very important in interval training because the rest period allows you to perform sprint intervals at the optimum intensity.

Is Interval Training the Best Way to Burn Fat?

Absolutely. You don’t want to miss this one! Many studies have already proven that high intensity interval training (HIIT) helps burn fat up to 9 times compared to regular aerobic exercise. Fact! Notably, this is because HIIT drains the muscles of their inbuilt source of energy. It can take up to two days for this to happen.

During this time, the body uses fat reserves as a source of energy. This is only the immediate benefit of HIIT. In the long run, this type of exercise increases the body’s ability to convert energy directly into the muscles. This results to the immediate use of consumed carbohydrates instead of storing it as fat. Interestingly, HIIT turns your body into a fat burning machine.

Types of Interval Training

Pay close attention! Interval training has two major types, namely fitness interval training and performance interval training. The difference is the intensity and duration for the sprint intervals and rest intervals. For people who are just trying to lose weight, fitness interval training is ideal. On the other hand, performance interval training is for athletes and advanced fitness enthusiasts.

Basic Interval Training Routine

I’ll get straight to the point. A basic interval training routine would start with a warm-up period of 5 minutes. Pick any cardiovascular activity like running or using any cardiovascular machine. Follow the warm-up period with 1-2 minutes of a sprint period or perform the chosen activity as hard as you can.

After the sprint period, perform the activity at a low intensity allowing your heart rate to go down for about 2-3 minutes. Repeat this 5-10 times or until you complete 15-25 minutes, then follow with a cool down period of 5 minutes. This interval training is to be done 3 times a week with one day rest in between.

Is Interval Training for You?

The bottom line is this. Interval training is a good way to lose weight, break a weigh loss plateau, improve fitness/performance and improve recovery time. However, it is not for everyone. People with cardiovascular problems, knee/ankle problems or low fitness levels may encounter problems with interval training.

Now, keep in mind that it is still best to check with your physician before starting interval training or any form of exercise. Let’s examine this idea closely. For people with low fitness levels, it is better to build up fitness levels before trying interval training. People with knee/ankle problems will have difficulty in running but can use cardiovascular machines like elliptical trainers and stationary bikes for their interval training routine.

What is your typical interval training routine? Share it with us by leaving your comments below.