Fact: A flat stomach 2 weeks later is attainable if you start with a well-conditioned body. I should know, I’ve been there before.
To get a conditioned body, you’ll need to really work at it. This isn’t the time to dilly-dally because if you’re really serious about getting rid of excess belly fat or building a six pack, you’ll need more than just luck on your side.
You’ll need to get three things in order before you achieve the flat tummy of your dreams. These are: total commitment, a full-proof diet, and proper exercise.
1. Total Commitment. Even Hollywood superstars and buffed athletes have to go through this step for them to get their bodies to look that way.
First thing you need to do to get a flat stomach 2 weeks later is to start. NOW. Truly, there is no better time.
Grab a pen and mark that target date on your calendar. Commit to yourself and to the idea of your new-and-improved self. The only way you can get yourself out of your fitness rut is to make that conscious decision.
If you don’t start today, you will only delay things. You need to want it bad before you get it. Remember that.
2. Full-proof Diet. This entails more than just the latest fad diet or even total fasting – those aren’t just good for you. Period.
For a flat stomach 2 weeks later, you need to get your weight to a healthy number and rev up your metabolism at the same time.
Start by timing your meals. Eat small portions of well-balanced meals every 4 hours. That way, your body never goes totally hungry nor will it be deprived of essential nutrients at any given time. Also, your digestive system will be working at a regular “schedule.”
At the supermarket, stock up on veggies and fruits you can eat without cooking. You can snack on them regularly without much food preparation. You should also get fat-burning foods like garlic, chilies, nuts, citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes, and a variety of berries.
Tofu, an alternative source of protein, will help get you a flat stomach 2 weeks later. While you’re there, grab a bottle of multivitamins and take 1 tablet daily. Remember to stay away from fatty foods – they will only set you back.
3. Proper Exercise. You can’t expect to go easy in the next 2 weeks if you truly want to see results by then. That’s why performing exercises correctly and regularly will do the trick.
With the use of a timer, you need to stick to a diet and exercise routine. Every time that timer goes off, you need to get off that couch and start working: walk around, drink water, eat your small portions, work out, get ample sleep, and do it all again the next day.
Before you even notice it, the flat stomach 2 weeks program should be completed in no time at all. After doing everything intensely for 2 weeks, give your body a break by resuming a slower-paced exercise routine and going back to a normal diet. The most important thing to remember is that you never give up in those 2 weeks and keep your eye on the prize at all times.
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