Stomach Crunches Help

Stomach crunches help tone your abs, which, in turn, support your spine. They also help you develop toned, sexy abs. If you’re doing crunches, but not getting the results that you expect, then follow this checklist to get back on track.

  • The Crunch
  • Healthy Diet
  • Cardiovascular exercises

The crunch movement can be broken down into a series of distinct phases:

1. Preparation

Warm up before you start doing crunches. A brisk walk will do the trick well. Make sure that you exercise on a comfortable surface, like an exercise mat.

Lie on the floor, with you back and feet planted firmly. Your knees should be bent. Place both of your hands behind your head.

Locate and isolate your lower abdominal muscles. Contract them – they should move up and in. This will help to stabilize your back as you lift. Don’t tense your neck, and try not to bend your lower back.

Now take a deep breath. Don’t forget to breathe using your diaphragm.

2. Lift (Stomach Crunch)

Slowly lift your upper back, shoulders and neck off of the floor. Keep your head supported with your hands, but don’t pull on it. Get to an angle of about 30 degrees off of the floor.

You need to restrict the lifting to the abdomen only. Don’t use your hands, or arms, to lift yourself up. Don’t tense your neck either – use your hands to support your head.

Make sure that you look ahead, almost at the ceiling. This will help you keep your neck and back in line. Keep your chin off of your chest, pretend there is an orange under your chin.

While lifting, keep your abdominals tensed, and breath out slowly. Exhale, until you come to the end of your breath. This will help you keep proper tension in your abdominals while you incline in a safe manner.

3. Return

Breathe in as you descend. Don’t forget to support your head just as before. Don’t use your arms, and keep your chin off of your chest. You should breathe at a rate that will finish when you reach the floor.

Additional Advice:

If you still aren’t seeing results, you may have to reexamine your diet. Crunches only tone your abs, they won’t strip the fat off of them. With a proper diet, you can melt that fat away. Avoid fatty foods, get lots of protein, and moderate carbs.

Cardiovascular workouts are an important base for any exercise program and diet. Go running, walking, or swimming. This will make your exercises more effective, and help burn off fat.

Stomach crunches help to tone abs, but only when properly performed. Now, you should know what has been holding your abs back.

Learned something that I have missed here? Feel free to add them by leaving your comments below.

Top 10 Myths to Getting Six Pack Abs

Ok, Getting six pack abs isn’t impossible, especially if you are equipped with the right information. Weeding out the facts from the myths is a great way to start your journey toward sexy, ripped abs. Read on and discover what you should (and shouldn’t) do when it comes to toning your midsection.

Myth #1: “Diet pills will melt all my existing fat away.” Relying on diet pills and supplements may seem like a quick-fix, but don’t let laziness get the best of you. You need to be really careful about these things because most could ultimately cause more harm than good.

Myth #2: “I can eat as much fat as I want for as long as I exercise.” Getting six pack abs will require a sense of balance. That means you still need to watch what you eat WHILE you work out.

Myth #3: “Fat bellies are passed on in the genes so no matter what I do, I can never get six pack abs.” Our physical make-up does affect the rate in which we burn fat. However, it doesn’t mean that fat belly is an irredeemable family curse.

Myth #4: “A sure-fire way to remove belly flab is through liposuction and slimming abdominal wraps.” These clinical procedures may physically get rid of fat, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get ripped abs. You don’t have to go through such drastic, EXPENSIVE measures only to realize later that they are not the solution to getting six pack abs.

Myth #5: “Zero carb diets work!” Sure, they give you the ILLUSION that you’re burning fat for the first couple of weeks. But it’s also rendering you physically weak because you need energy derived from carbohydrates to function properly.

Myth #6: “Cutting down calories way below the acceptable range will help me burn fat fast.” Starving yourself screws up with your metabolism, which determines how fast you can potentially burn fat.

Myth #7: “Doing cardio or aerobic exercises at a steady pace for long periods at a time will burn more fat.” Doing them in intervals and varying speeds, even for 20-30 minutes, is actually more effective in getting six pack abs.

Myth #8: “Saunas and steam baths will burn all the fat right off my belly and other parts of my body as well.” Saunas are mainly for alleviating muscle tension, not burning fat. Staying in one for too long can even cause major dehydration.

Myth #9: “Weight training is a complete waste of time.” When aiming for six pack abs, it’s important to think HOLISTIC. Weight training is just as important as full body and targeted exercises.

Myth #10: “Doing endless reps of crunches and sit ups alone will eliminate fat around my belly.” Similar to myth #9, you need to do variations of exercises to get a complete and effective workout. Crunches and sit ups are great, but you’ll also need to incorporate full body workouts to really burn excess fat.

In summary,consider these 10 myths to getting six pack abs and take action – the right way, right now and continue to learn the truth about six pack abs!

Have another myth not included in the above list? Add an 11th one by entering your comments below.

How Did I Lose My Belly Fat – My Success Secrets

Losing weight requires hard work.  Yet, if you don’t do it right, you’ll waste all your efforts.  At first, I did not even think that losing weight could be easy for me.  I have searched everywhere for the right tools that will help me lose my belly fat.

A lot of products claim they have the answer for your six pack abs goal.  However, how will you know which one says the truth about it all?  That’s why I want to share with you my 3 little secrets which had helped me lose my belly fat in no time.  Just continue reading and you’ll see that you can get six pack abs like a piece of cake.

1. Choosing the Right Food to Eat.

You might consider dieting as a painful task.  When I was planning a diet to lose my belly fat, I thought this meant I need to restrain myself from eating.  Well, that’s not how it is.  When you want to build six pack abs, you need to live a healthy well-balanced diet.  Not eating the right food which contains the proper nutrition will not make your body lean, instead, you will experience muscle loss.

A successful diet for six pack abs should contain hi-protein and well-balanced meals.  Also include foods which contain good fats like avocado, vegetable oil and nuts. This kind of diet will increase your metabolism and build lean muscles all over your body.

2. Full Body and Abs-Targeting Workouts Combined.


When I started working out to lose my belly fat, I made a big mistake.  I thought that cardio workout is the best way to get six pack abs.  Truth is cardio workouts can burn fat but not as good as full body workouts.  Performing full body workouts can tone every muscle group in your entire body.  It increases your body resistance and burns fat faster.  Push-ups, weight lifting, swimming and yoga are some of the full body exercises you can do.

As you go on, you also need to focus on sculpting muscles in your midsection.  Doing abs-targeting exercises help you tone and shape your abdominal muscles.  Crunches and bicycles are two of the simplest, yet effective, abs-targeting exercises. That’s what I did to lose my belly fat.

Remember, to get six pack abs, the key is HARD WORK. Combined abs-targeting exercises and full body workouts will boost your training program to the highest level.

3. Stocking up on the Right Tools


At some part of my training, I get intimidated with all the work I have to do to lose my belly fat.  Sometimes, I also don’t know the proper way to perform my training. I wanted to get the most out of my workouts, so I searched for the complete tool that can help me achieve my six pack abs goal.  I want the tools that will keep me motivated and make working out fun.

You don’t need to buy any expensive equipment to lose weight easy.  You can do your workouts anywhere you want at any time suitable for you. Interactive workout videos and workout music are some of the tools you want to have in handy. Also, you want to read books that will give a complete guideline for your six pack abs program.  This will give you more tips on how to do your exercises properly.  Not to mention, these reading materials will also provide a good dietary chart to help you keep track of the foods you should eat.

These 3 secrets that helped me lose my belly fat will, no doubt, get you six pack abs faster.  Who knows, maybe next time, you’ll be the one revealing your lean body secrets.

Have you lost belly fats through other means? Share your own secrets by entering a comment below.

Want a Relaxing Exercise to Reduce Your Belly Fat? Learn Yoga!

I am sure you agree with me when I say that sitting in front of your computer everyday in the office has caused you to add a few fat ounces on your belly. And who wouldn’t? With the unmotivated and inactive habits that office life has led you to, it is surely only a matter of time before you all get that nasty excess fat in your tummy. Do you want to learn a good exercise to reduce your belly fat?

However, with your hectic schedules and tiring lifestyles, you probably know and admit the fact that it is difficult for you to sign up in a local gym or fitness center to make sure that you still stay in good shape. You might even find yourself too exhausted to push yourself to exercise to reduce your belly fat, after reaching home from the office even if you wanted to.

I am not going to waste your time anymore then, let me introduce you to the 3 simple yoga exercises that are not only successful in reducing your belly fat but also proven to help you relax and prepare you for a good and restful night of sleep. Here’s how to do the meditative exercises:

  • Sukhasana Yoga Asana: Sit in basic crossed-leg position. Slide our heels away from each other so that they rest under your knees. This incredibly works your hips and belly. Then take your feet forward so your shins are in a horizontal line. Reach out your fingertips as far as you can in front of your legs, and then drop your head so you face the floor. Remember to make your breathing constant. Repeat at least ten times.
  • Naukasana Yoga Asana: Another yoga exercise to reduce your belly fat is to follow these steps: Lie down on any flat surface and lift your legs and upper torso at a 30 degree-angle and hold the position for thirty seconds. Then release the lift and breathe. Remember, do this regimen at least ten times then increase as desired.  This is one wonderful yoga exercise to reduce belly fat as it tightens and tenses your upper and lower belly muscles.
  • Ushtrasana Yoga Asana: So you want one more meditative exercise to reduce your belly fat? This is how it is done. First, stand on your knees making sure that your heels face upward. Then put your hands close to your knees with your back arched in a wide U position. Count 30 seconds then return to initial pose. Repeat for at least ten times then increase as desired. Listen here, this yoga exercise is guaranteed to reduce belly fat as it releases the tension on your belly muscles to balance the contraction.

I am sure that once you have mastered at least one yoga exercise to reduce your belly fat and make it a usual part of your routine before going to bed, you’ll immediately see the results in a few weeks. Check these fantastic exercises out yourself and be prepared to say goodbye to belly fat and hello sexy!

What yoga exercise have you tried that works? Share it with us by entering your comments below.

Workouts for Abs—The ABCs for a Lean, Attention-Grabbing Body!

Your path to ripped, attention-grabbing abs, begins here…

Visualize yourself having rock solid six pack abs. Having a set of firm and toned abs frees you from insecurities regarding your physique, making you feel better about yourself. I believe you want that dose of confidence back in yourself, don’t you?

Proven Fact! Did you know that scientists have found that ‘beer bellies’ run in the family? You heard it right! The research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition proves that genetics is the major culprit! See, if your dad has a big belly, you can inherit this stomach issue in the future even if you are not a beer drinker.

The truth hurts but, it’s the truth that keeps you going. Now, if you are a beer drinker who also ignores a healthy and clean diet, well that would be catastrophic! Fortunately, it is not too late to change your eating habits and follow a six-pack abs program that truly works.

Ask yourself this question, “Do I really want this? Am I committed enough to do this?” Seriously, a strong spirit and strong mindset can work wonders, but what if I told you there are actually simple, quick and safe workouts for abs?

But Wait…

Before performing workouts for abs, think about getting rid of excess fat in your body. Below, I’ve listed 5 incredible, fat-burning exercises that can help eliminate excess body fat. In this way, you can build ripped, well defined six pack abs quickly

  • Eat smaller dinners. A lot of people feel that eating large dinners twice a day (skipping one meal and snacks) can prevent them from removing the nasty flab. Focus here, eating 5-6 times a day in small portion works! Also, do not eat a large meal before going to sleep. This is because of the fact that our bodies are usually less active before bedtime.
  • Eat breakfast. So you want to hear a no-nonsense advice? Skipping breakfast is a big No, No! If you are a believer of this worthless diet myth, the tendency is that you will force yourself to eat too much at lunch, causing your body to be inactive.
  • Do cardio workouts. Cardio workouts are proven to be one of the best ways to lose fat. Believe me! Your workouts for abs are a huge waste of time if you let excess fat cover your results.
  • Lift weights. If you have more muscle, then your body can burn more calories. Cardiovascular exercises as well as weight training are a great “one-two-punch” when it comes to burning and keeping off excess fat.
  • Drink lots of water every day. You should be aware that you need to rehydrate your body every day. And the best way to do this is by drinking water. Take note that the amount of water you need every day is at least 10-12 cups.

Abs Building

Here’s a list of 5 basic and advanced workouts for abs:

  • Crunches. To begin with, lie down on your back, contract your belly, and then return to the first position. The neck must be elevated for only a few inches. Remember that crunches should be performed at a slow and controlled rate.
  • Twisting Crunches. Twisting crunches are performed just like the basic crunches as noted earlier. However, twisting crunches have an additional piece, before returning to the first position, twist your body as much as you can (do the twisting on both sides).
  • Exercise Ball Crunches. This exercise is done like basic crunches, only using an exercise ball instead of a mat.
  • Double Crunches. Also done like basic crunches, but in this exercise, you lift both your upper body and your knees at the same time.
  • Bicycle. Again, begin by lying down on the floor, then lift your knees up to 45-degree angle, then move your feet as if you were riding a bicycle.
woman-doing-bicycle-abs-crunches-1 woman-doing-bicycle-abs-crunches-2

Performing these workouts for abs, along with proper diet, can turn your dream body into a reality! Stop day dreaming and start working out now. Show off those six pack abs, healthy body and gorgeous physique.

Have some of these strategies worked for you? Let me know by leaving a comment.