4 Things to Remember When Eating For a Flat Stomach

Constantly exercising your abdominals will never be enough if you do not pay attention to what you eat. Yes, your diet plays an undeniably big role in building and defining muscle. When you’re eating for a flat stomach, you have to be aware of the kinds of food that will aid you in your objective.

1) Eat After You Workout

Including a highly nutritious diet in your abs training program will only reinforce the hard work you put in to burning fat and building abdominal muscles. Eat a full healthy meal when your muscles are in their best absorbing state, and that’s immediately after your workout. In doing so, your muscles will be able to absorb the nutrients you’ve just eaten while they’re still on hyper-drive.

2) Know the Importance of a Protein-rich Diet

Protein is the main macronutrient responsible for building muscle. Remember to add in an ample amount of protein in every meal, especially after your workout.

Eating for a flat stomach does involve all three important macronutrients – carbohydrates, good fats, and, more importantly, protein. Contrary to what other fad diets claim, leaving one out is not the best way to achieve a fit body.

3) Cut Out Excess Fat

Protein isn’t the only thing you need to focus on. Including good fats in your diet is just as important. Differentiating the good kind of fats from the bad ones is the key to a highly nutritious diet.

When you’re eating for a flat stomach, you clearly have to stay away from fatty foods like potato chips, fast food, and variants of deep-fried foods. Believe me when I tell you that you WILL survive without them. By eliminating bad fats in your diet, your ab workout wouldn’t have been done in vain.

Cutting out excessively fat food will need a lot of discipline, especially if you’re so used to eating them. But it is the easiest, most basic thing you can do to improve your diet. Just remember that food items high in fat and bad cholesterol are the biggest hurdles to a flat, sexy stomach.

4) Stick to a Regular Exercise Routine

It is a fact that you won’t get results fast if you do not exercise. When I say “exercise,” I mean the intense, heart-racing kind. Combining cardiovascular exercises with a healthy diet and a healthy mindset will provide a total fitness regimen that can only get you to your goal fast.

Healthy eating for a flat stomach is necessary to achieve the body of your dreams. Follow these simple tips and you can say goodbye to belly fat for GOOD.

Create your 5th tip to eat for a flat stomach. Share your personal views below.

Turbulence Training Review – A Cut Above The Rest? The Ultimate Workout System For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain?


Continue to shed excess fat during and AFTER working out.

Turbulence Training is a revolutionary fat-loss system that has attracted many users the world over. Despite the overwhelming surge of fad diets, self-help weight-loss programs, and other feeble attempts to provide fitness and health solutions online, the Turbulence Training Workout System has proven to transcend it all and build a trustworthy brand name – no cheap tricks, no miracle supplements or diet aids, just honest to goodness workouts that have been skillfully developed through years of research and experience.

This Turbulence Training review hopes to provide an overview of the product and its author, and eventually help you make up your mind whether or not it’s the best fat-loss solution for you.

Going through all the crazy gimmicks, too-good-to-be-true diet regimens, and failed weight-loss attempts can be frustrating and disheartening. No wonder consumers are starting to smarten up when it comes to investing in long-term, results-oriented programs such as this one.

High customer satisfaction ratings and countless positive online reviews have certainly helped Turbulence Training become the well-known and trusted brand it has become. The product’s reputation, — together with its author – precedes itself.

Craig Ballantyne, author of the successful Turbulence Training Workout System, has utilized both his formal education and his vast field of experience in fitness to create a full-proof fat-loss solution that will put an end to frustrating diets and exercise plans. With a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology under his belt, this Toronto-based strength and conditioning coach has spent a lot of time doing continuous research on nutrition, fitness, and supplementation. He has also made numerous contributions as an active member of the Training Advisory Board on some highly-respected publications, like Oxygen and Maximum Fitness. Moreover, he’s written articles for other fitness magazines and has successfully provided valuable fitness information on a number of his own fitness websites.

With his reputation on the line, he promises to help each and every one with Turbulence Training – a cutting edge, progressive exercise program scientifically designed to burn fat and build muscle during, and long after, workouts. The best part? They’re packed in short duration sessions and all you have to do is carry out 3 sessions a week. If your busy schedule is getting in the way of your dream physique, this will definitely solve your problem. Time-saving, highly intense workouts that bring out the best possible results for both men and women – that truly is the backbone of this much praised program.

The two main components behind these clever workouts consist of interval training and resistance training, which, when done properly, can boost your metabolism like no other. After a few weeks on Turbulence Training, you will experience a rush like never before and witness yourself transform into a better, leaner version of yourself with nothing but hard, measurable results to back them up.

On top of the ebook, you can also expect other great bonuses such as up-to-date fitness information and exclusive insider tips that will help you improve and advance accordingly.

To sum it all up, Turbulence Training is exactly what the program title implies – powerful. It’s changed lives for the better and you can certainly be next. There are easier routes, less intense programs out there, sure. But if you want to take the reins and commit to a long-lasting change, this program could do just that. The Turbulence Training Workout System truly is a cut above the rest.

Click Here to learn how you can take advantage of this extraordinary program…

Discover The Top 7 Metabolism Boosting Foods…

The 4 “healthy” foods you should AVOID because they actual make you more fat…

Have you been trying to get a lean and well-toned body? Ever wonder how others do it? Imagine what it would be like if you could bring back the younger you. Wouldn’t it be amazing if your favorite jeans could fit you again?

Here’s something that will surely help you on your way to that perfect body shape and curves. At last, the 7 top metabolism boosting foods are finally revealed to give you results in weeks!

Metabolism boosting foods, from the term itself, these power-packed foods can significantly raise the metabolic activity of your system – resulting in faster, automatic fat loss. Listen to this, when your body’s metabolic rate slows down, it could lead to cell malfunctioning and health problems.

Simply learn our list of 7 fabulous metabolism boosting foods! And in a few minutes, you’ll be know the proper food to help you shed off those extra pounds and get the lean and sexy body that you’ve always wanted.

  1. Water. First things first, you may have already heard that drinking water aids in losing weight and speeds up metabolism. Focus here, German researchers discovered that consuming nearly 17 ounces of water can actually burn 30 percent of calories inside your body and help you distinguish hunger from thirst. So, drink up!
  2. Green Tea. Did you know that findings proved green tea can greatly boost metabolism and help in weight loss? At the same time, it has other health enhancing benefits like anti-cancer properties.
  3. Soup. Eat less and burn fast by consuming a bowl of soup for your snack or appetizer. Interestingly, Penn State University discovered that besides having a good mixture of hunger-satisfying solids and liquids, soup serves as an appetite suppressant and is considered as one of the most useful metabolism boosting foods.
  4. Grapefruit. Now keep in mind, The Scripps Clinic Researchers found out that the vitamin C content of grapefruits helps lessen insulin in your body; therefore helping you lose weight faster. So before eating a full meal, eat at least half of a grapefruit and burn those dreadful calories.  Note: If you take prescription medication, check with you doctor to determine any possible interactions.
  5. Apples and Pears. Before eating lunch or dinner, try eating apples or pears. You will feel fuller and eat less. The trick is, if you are yearning for sugar, to reach for this high-fiber, low-calorie food to shun unnecessary calories, pronto!
  6. Broccoli. It is true that broccoli is typically one of the most hated foods. But here’s a fact for you, broccoli offers a wide range of life-giving advantages such as vitamin C, calcium, fiber, folate and vitamin A. Why not nourish your body and power up your metabolism with one amazing veggie?
  7. Hot Peppers. Hot peppers are a great means of speeding up and boosting your metabolism. Proven fact: Capsaicin, a substance found in cayenne and jalapeno peppers, triggers your body to fire-up your metabolism and helps you burn more fat.

Given these facts, your long-awaited dream to get that gorgeous body without having to do a worthless crash diet and tedious exercise program is possible. The bottom line is to utilize what you have learned. Speed up your metabolism with the most effective power-packed foods! That is how you do it!

As every word travels from this article to your brain, you’ll start to feel your muscles running towards these metabolism boosting foods. Think about this, after you implement these 7-metabolism boosters, you can turn into a brand new you in just a matter of weeks, – vibrant, healthy and strong! Get started now…

Which of these have you tried to boost your metabolism? How have they been effective? Share your story below.

Working Against Your Genes and Getting a Flat Stomach

There is a science to getting a flat stomach and it’s called GENETICS. Your genes have a lot to do with the way you look. In like manner, your genetic makeup also determines how your muscles are formed and what it would take to define them well.

That’s why fitness regimens really do vary because that’s how our bodies were designed – each being unique and distinct. Look around you. Body shapes and muscle definition are really different for every individual.

No wonder the work involved in getting a flat stomach varies from person to person.

We inherited our genes from our parents, so it is most likely that we look very similar to them and our close relatives. Your genes not only establish the way you look, but also the way stored fat is burned when you exercise. Differences in metabolism could be the reason why you burn fat slower than your peers.

Be that as it may, you can still up the ante by including high-intensity cardio exercises and rigorous abs training in your fitness program to effectively burn stubborn body fat.

There are so many cardiovascular workouts for getting a flat stomach. You’ve got running or jogging, which has been a favorite physical pastime for years. Swimming, yoga, martial arts, dancing, boxing, and rowing are all very good cardio workouts as well.

You can do one or mix it up by doing at least three kinds every other day. The possibilities are endless really. What should remain constant is warming up right before engaging in any of these activities and cooling down afterward.

As for targeted abs workouts, there are just so many exercises to choose from. You have regular floor crunches, ball crunches, leg lifts, curls, bicycle exercises, sit ups, weighted sit ups, and a lot more. All of these will help you a great deal in getting a flat stomach.

Pick the ones that you think work best for you and don’t be afraid of a little trial-and-error. You’ll find out soon enough if you try each one for a period of time. If you start to feel that your abdominals are tighter or if they even look better in the mirror, then that only means the exercise you’re doing is working best for your body type.

You may not look exactly like your favorite Hollywood celebrity or don the same washboard abs as your much admired athlete. But getting a flat stomach can still be a reality regardless what your genes say. Just keep eating right, perform intense exercises to burn stubborn fat, and really work your butt off.

How have you conquered your genes to a flatter stomach? Share your own story below.

Top 3 Ways to Get a Flat Stomach in One Month

Imagine, for a moment, that it’s a month from today and you’re looking in the mirror, amazed and excited that you got a flat stomach in one month.

Ask yourself this question: How did you get there?

Whether you need to look good for a wedding, birthday, reunion or some other event important to you, I’ve written this article for you.

By the time you finish reading this article, you will have learned the TWO most important strategies to get a flat stomach in one month.

1#: What are you putting in your mouth?

If you’re like most people, getting a flat stomach in one month will be a huge challenge but having a solid eating strategy is one of the best things you can do to keep your goal.

Did you notice that I said eating strategy not diet? You do want to keep you flat stomach after a month, don’t you? Diets are horrible as a long-term strategy.

So, here are a few eating strategies you can master that will help you get yourself a flat stomach in one month…

First, you’ll want to eat little to no “bad” fats in your diet, especially if you’re already carrying around excess body fat.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t eat foods with fat in them. In fact, many fat burning foods like almonds and walnuts have plenty of the fats that are good for you. You just have to be more aware of what you eat and stay clear of totally unhealthy fatty foods like fried chicken, potato chips, French fries, donut- you know the ones ;)

Second, for a flat stomach in one month, did you know that you should always make sure you eat something for breakfast- preferably something high-protein.

According to the latest science, skipping breakfast can actually slow down your metabolism by up to 15%.

What does this mean? It makes it easier to add excess body fat…You just don’t have time for this if you seriously want a flat stomach in one month.

Eat Breakfast!

For the rest of the day, make sure you eat something when you feel hungry. Don’t starve yourself because it will only increase your cravings for later and further slow down your metabolism. Small, frequent meals should keep your body energized and ready for a flat stomach in one month.

Avoid white or refined carbs (e.g. sugar, white pasta, etc.) and stick to whole grain or whole wheat instead. Load up on proteins like beans, lean meats, and eggs right after you work out. Of course, don’t ever forget your fruits and vegetables.

What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Limit or cut out alcoholic and sugary drinks (e.g. soda, process fruit juice, etc)- this includes artificially sweetened drinks.

Instead, drink 8-10 cups of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and refreshed.

Now that you know how important a solid eating strategy is to looking and feeling great with your flat stomach in a month, it’s important that you now find a proven eating strategy.

2#: Beyond What You Eat

With your diet in order, it’s now time to look at your physical activity (or the absence of it). Maintaining an active lifestyle is key to any successful fitness plan.

FACT! Not enough dieting in the world can get you a flat midsection in just a month unless you’re already there.

Here’s what you need to know in order to exercise to get a flat stomach in one month:

Here’s the bottom line, committing to a proven “flat stomach” program is your best chance of getting a flat stomach in a month. This includes both starting a smart eating and exercise program… Get started now!