Before going into the details, let me just clear one thing first. “Dieting” should not be associated with starvation. A diet is simply comprised of the actual food you take in everyday. Changing one’s diet for the better has to begin somewhere, and starting with this particular one could reap you a lot of benefits, including hot six pack abs.
Here are some guidelines that will help you adapt to the six pack abs diet:
1. Re-examine Your Diet. A good way of evaluating your diet is by asking some of the basic Ws and Hs – what, when, where, why, how much, and how often.
If you’re the type who enjoys eating out and having food delivered, you need to be extra careful because you really don’t know what goes into preparing your food exactly. Were they made with the freshest ingredients? Did they use cooking oil high in saturated and Trans fat? Was that really chicken?
Do some research next time you eat out. Ask for healthier substitutes in your meals so you still stick to your six pack abs diet (e.g. use extra virgin olive oil instead of salted butter, or fresh vinaigrette instead of the thousand island dressing). If you can’t prepare your own food and you really have to go out to eat, try visiting more restaurants that serve vegetarian or Japanese cuisine – both are said to be very high in protein and low in fat.
These are just very simple yet doable changes you can practice to improve on your diet.
2. Out With the Bad, In With the Good. Scour your cupboards, fridge, and pantry. With the six pack abs diet, you must throw out all the foods that are high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Sure, you can keep a few treats. But never allow them to take up most of your daily meals, not even when you snack.
Slowly relieving your body of these unnecessary kinds of food will make you crave less and help you develop a leaner, healthier body.
3. Start With Yourself and Slowly Influence Those Around You. There’s really no point in preaching or forcing others to eat the way you do. After all, dieting is a choice. Instead, give your friends and family reasons to eat healthier. Before you know it, everyone at the table is on the six pack abs diet as well.
Knowing these 3 valuable guidelines will definitely help you ease into a healthier version of yourself. Remember that the six pack abs diet is more than just a tool…it’s a lifestyle.
Do you have your own six pack abs diet? Share it by commenting below.