The Upper Abs Exercise – Flat Stomach Results Guaranteed

Can’t seem to build upper abs? Looking for the best exercise to flatten that stomach?

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One of the main stomach muscles you have to workout is your upper abs, and, sadly, it has one of the thickest layers of fat deposits in our body. The best exercise flat stomach for your upper abs is the basic crunch, as long as you perform it correctly. Some infomercials tell people that crunching doesn’t help you get that flat sexy abs, but it actually does. People are just performing the incorrect form of crunching, that’s why they don’t get the results they wanted.

Lucky for you, we are here to teach you the proper way of doing the basic crunch exercise flat stomach that’s guaranteed to give you the best results. Start on a lying position with your back laid flat on the exercise mat. Now put your hands on the side of your head or across your chest. Some people put their hands behind their head, that’s why they hurt their necks badly when doing the crunch. This is one of the incorrect strategies done by a lot of people.

Before doing the  exercise flat stomach crunch, bend your knees at 90 degrees angle and let your feet rest flat on the floor. Now that you’re ready, slowly lift your shoulders off the floor using your stomach muscles. Make sure that your chest don’t touch your knees, allow a few space in between them. If you let your chest touch your knees, your hip reflexes are doing all the work and not your upper abs’ muscles.

Once you reach the top of your exercise flat stomach crunch, intensely contract your upper abs and slowly move back to the starting position. Repeat the process about fifteen times and do at least three sets of upper abs crunches. While doing this exercise a flat stomach, you have to remember doing the correct breathing pattern. Exhale while you are crunching up, and inhale when you’re going back to the starting position.

Have crunches been effective for you in developing your upper abs? Share your experience below.

5 Ways on How to Increase Your Metabolism Naturally

Have you ever tried to increase your metabolism naturally or lose weight without taking any dietary supplements? If you answered yes, then you’re on the right track. The secret to boosting your metabolism is to have regular exercise and eat fiber enriched foods. Your body must engage in physical activities like walking, exercising, or any movement as long as your body works. This is for your body to burn calories.

Metabolism is the mechanism that converts what you eat and drink into energy that is processed by the body, and that is required in carrying out these functions. Every individual has a different metabolism depending on how efficiently your body burns calories for fuel. Speeding up metabolism doesn’t require taking any dietary supplements or pills at all.

A pill for speeding up metabolism contains high doses of caffeine and animal thyroid. You should not take these products as these may have side effects, such as increase in heart rate, excessive sweating, nervousness, and diarrhea.

Here are 5 proven ways to increase your metabolism naturally:

1. To increase metabolism is to give your body a constant steam of fuel to burn. Eating small amount of meals five to six times a day can keep metabolism higher throughout the day. Eating small meals will lessen your tendency to eat unhealthy snacks that will only impede your weight loss.

2. Foods rich in fiber, such as green leafy vegetables, oaths, corn, apple, watermelon and the like will also help to increase your metabolism. The best foods to work you’re your metabolism are milk, green tea, beets, and spinach. You may include protein and complex carbohydrates to keep your daily meals healthy.

3. Vegetables eaten raw are one of the most effective natural metabolism boosters. Here are some choices of vegetables that you can add to your diet: carrots, celery, broccoli, tomato, peppers, and cabbage.

4. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. This will help your stomach to easily digest the food you eat. You should avoid drinking alcohol and fasting. Instead, eat foods with high nutritional value.

5. Try to stretch your body in the morning; this will help you energize your body throughout the day. In the office, instead of using the elevator, try to use the stairs. Take a walk in the hall ways or walk around your desk. Find every opportunity to move by engaging in activities like dancing, yoga, lawn tennis, badminton, and volleyball. These activities will not only increase your metabolism but will also lower your stress, and make you feel totally relaxed and calm.

Getting enough sleep, doing regular exercise, and eating the right foods with high nutritional value at the right amount are the key factors that will help you increase your metabolism naturally. “Be physically active” – not later, but now!

How have you increased your own metabolism? Include your own tips below.

1 tRiCk to age proof abs

I was just reading an interesting article on one of my favorite Science News sites and found some very encouraging news…

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 50s or 60s, aging is “happening” to all of us…BUT does it have to mean inevitable decline?

I’m in my thirties and I find myself arguing with some of my friends about aging.

They think getting older means having an out-of-shape, weak, injury-prone body with lots of new problems…

And I flat out disagree and point to my fitness and health and that of many folks way older than me as an example.

Unfortunately, I don’t always persuade them successfully…It’s as if we’ve been brainwashed into believing that aging equals sick, fragile and weak…


The article I just read proved scientifically what I’ve believed and experienced in my own life.

You don’t have to give in to a life filled with disease, sickness and low energy just because you’re getting older.

Why not have the body of a 30 year old even if you’re 50…

Here are the 2 main points of the article I just read:

1) Staying fit helps you to stay young

but here’s what many people miss…

2) Intensity is more important than duration

Slowly walking or jogging for 2 hours at the same low-intensity rate just won’t cut it. You need to have INTENSITY. That again is where interval training stands out.

Age-proof your abs and your body and find out how to perform interval training from a true master:

To your ageless ABS!

P.S. Learning how to properly perform interval training improves your health, keeps you young and turns you into a fat-burning furnace.

…It also takes FAR less time than the traditional, long boring workouts.

Run (with intensity) over there now…

How about you? How do you defy ageing? Share your success story through the comment form below.

1 VERY wEiRd exercise machine

I‘m done with exercise gadgets.

They all suck!

It’s obvious to anyone who’s bought them they are designed to trim your “wallet fat” (i.e. hard earned money) and NOT your belly fat.

For example…

As a kid, I remember going to my cousin’s house and seeing what looked like a new game machine in the living room.

As I started to run towards it, my mom quickly yanked me back.


There was a loooooong awkward silence.

I was puzzled and confused.

Here’s the deal…

My aunt was obese and…

This machine wasn’t something to play on, but rather her latest gimmick to lose weight.

It was called a “vibrator” belt.


Before your mind goes in the gutter, let me explain…

The bogus theory behind this piece of crap was simple (even if it was completely idiotic): “if you shake the fat, it will burn off your body.”

That’s NUTS!!!

This “lose fat” scammery was a thick belt that went around the waist and attached to the machine.

The user/ sucker would then turn it on and the machine would vibrate the belt and in turn, vibrate the person (along with their fat)…

And supposedly, the fat magically would disappear.

Yep! They had the cojones to sell this with a straight face…

And of course, the result was…NADA (nothing)!

It just became another expensive, space-taking reminder of yet another time she was scammed…

Unfortunately, this type of fitness exercise garbage has been around forever.

Each year, another one is invented and marketed to us as the miracle solution.


I’ve tried a couple of these sham contraptions and was completely embarrassed to find out what I already suspected:

it was just plain “Bull Shih-Tzu” and I fell for it because it looks so easy and the commercial models had such great bodies.

Enough already!

Eventually, if you’re serious about getting results, you need to stop wasting your time and money on scammy BS gadgets like ab belts, ab rollers, etc…

and start getting real ab results

the big difference?

Instead of using some ab device, mystery pill or any other trick designed to just suck money out of your hands…

This program uses real lean abs secrets that show you how to become an automatic fat-burning, lean body without stupid
machines, hours of mind-numbing cardio or countless back-breaking crunches.

All the best,


P.S. About halfway into this “odd fat-fighters” video, you’ll discover one of the most surprising revelations I’ve seen on the real secret in getting abs fast

So in the next few minutes, vibrate on over to watched this extremely popular abs system video…and start leaning out your abs…

How to do Barbell Ab Rollouts


To build stronger, more defined abs with greater challenge for your abs muscles, the barbell ab rollouts is one effective exercise.

One common mistake to doing barbell ab rollouts is the failure to keep your abs tight, maintain your back posture and keep your arms straight throughout. When such cases happen, you could end up working more your arms, shoulders and back instead of placing the resistance on your abs which you want. Your lower back, shoulders and lats are also worked out in the process but the main contraction should be done and experienced along your abs.

Beginners may find it easy to use an ab wheel for starters as it is lighter and easier to use than a barbell. However, a barbell would give you more flexibility to do wider range of motion and allows you to vary the weights.

But regardless of whether you use an ab wheel or a barbell to execute this exercise, doing this in proper form is highly crucial not just for the success of the training but more importantly to prevent injury.

As barbell ab rollouts are considered highly intensive exercises, it is best to consult with your doctor and fitness coach first for any hesitations you may have.



  1. Place your barbell on the floor.
  2. Kneel behind the barbell and bend forward slightly so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground and both your hands are grasping the bars, arms straight and shoulder width apart.


  1. Slowly roll out the barbell as far away from the body as possible without your torso touching the ground and hold it there for a few seconds.
  2. Keep your toes and knees in their original position at all times.
  3. Keep your arms straight at all times.


Slowly roll back into your original position.


Do you have other proven unique tips to doing barbell ab workouts? Share your comments below.