The first rule on how to get flat stomach is eating right. A lot of people may struggle to correct their eating habits because they have been used to eating a lot of junk food, a habit that can cause health problems in the long run. When you’re trying to lose body fat, exercising won’t be much help if you don’t change your eating habits. For this, you need to aim for well balanced and nutritional meals which should be consumed in smaller portions in your new five to six meal servings each day. This kind of eating habit increases your metabolism, which in turn will signal your body to burn more fat in the process.
If you seriously want a flat stomach, a good eating strategy will get you there fast. The problem is that most diets are only temporary and can cause you to gain even more fat in the long-run. I recently purchased the Diet Solution program and found it to be great approach to eating for a flat stomach. The author, Isabel, take a realistic approach to eating that ultimately has your body burn fat, even when you’re not in the gym. Click here to start eating to get a flat stomach…
Another how to get flat stomach rule you should perpetually practice is having a cardio exercise at least three times a week. This is the way to burn off the calories you’re taking in as well as those stubborn fat deposits you currently have. You don’t always have to jog, run, or sprint for your cardio workout. Why not try fun activities such as dancing or perhaps playing sports? As long as the activity gets your heart rate up, you’re burning fat and calories.
For the third how to get flat stomach rule, we also recommend having an interval training at least twice a week to burn more calories and to boost your metabolism even more. Interval trainings are rigorous workouts such as intense aerobic exercises, weight training, and any other sweat-pumping activities where you workout at about 80-90% for a short time period, followed by a period of less intensity. Then repeat. Click here to learn about an insanely effective type of interval training…
If you haven’t already, you should also work your abs to tone your stomach muscles AND the rest of your body. As you lose some fat on your mid-section, you will eventually have a flatter stomach and in the long run, you will see those abdominal muscles emerging. This is the last key factor on how to get flat stomach. ;-)
What other rules do you have to get a flatter stomach? Share them by commenting below.