Top 10 Best Fat Burning Foods!

Food is NOT the Enemy…Make Friends with the Best Fat Burning Foods!

Who knew that some foods had the best fat burning characteristics? When I started to be more health-conscious I really didn’t know much about the fat burning properties of these foods. But all that’s changed now, thanks to published scientific studies and research.

By simply infusing these ingredients throughout your diet, you end up with highly nutritious and filling meals that keep unwanted fat at bay…and they work…to my surprise! Check out the best fat burning foods…

1. Tomatoes. We’ve all heard about cancer-fighting Lycopene in tomatoes. But did you know that they, too, help burn fat and lower cholesterol? On top of that, tomatoes also contain Vitamin A,C, potassium, fiber, folate, and beta-carotene.

2. Apples. You know what they say about having one a day. Apples are one of the best fat burning foods because they contain Pectin. It’s responsible for restricting the absorption of fat and allowing the absorption of water instead.

3. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C is more than just for the immune system. It also functions as a fat-diluting agent during digestion.

4. Unsalted nuts, green beans, and other legumes. Have you ever felt “full” after snacking on nuts? According to a fairly recent study, nuts aren’t just one of the best fat burning foods out there, but they also enhance your body’s ability to burn fat while satisfying sudden pangs of hunger.

5. Cabbages, lettuce, and green leafy vegetables. Our mothers always made us eat them – and with good reason. Leafy veggies are also one of the best fat burning foods because they usually have very few calories but are packed with Vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, and other essential nutrients.

6. Apple cider vinegar. This is not something you’d typically find in any kitchen, but it’s good to have around. It’s loaded with beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, and a host of other minerals necessary to break down fat and decrease bad cholesterol.

7. Dairy products rich in calcium. A research from a university in Tennessee showed that those who consumed high-calcium dairy products had significant reduction of fat in their midsections.

8. Carrots, beets, ginger root, and radish. These are the best fat burning foods as far as root crops are concerned because they have very low calories, aid in easy digestion, and increase your metabolism.

9. Asparagus. Not only are they easy to incorporate into your meals, but they also help decrease bad cholesterol levels in your body.

10. Chili peppers. These hot, hot, hot spices contain capsaicin, a chemical known to help boost metabolism when digested. Although they don’t have any long-term effects, including some spice into your meals once in a while can still be beneficial.

Bottomline…There are certainly more fat-fighting foods out there, but these, I have to say, are your best fat burning foods. Mix them in salads, stews, soups, and other viands, or even snack on them. Adding these to your diet will not only move you to a healthier, sexier YOU…

Have a fat burning food not part of this list? Add your own and enter them through the comment box below.

Countless Ways to Get Abs – 2 Key Concepts to Remember

There are quite a lot of ways to get absand it can get a little confusing. Reading and hearing so-called “expert” advice coming from all directions – that can be daunting, for sure.

While some couldn’t stress hard enough that dieting is the primary and sole aspect to building muscle, others think that exercise is all you need. Then there are those who insist that crunches are just a waste of time, while others claim they are simply indispensable. Even the location of your workouts is under debate.

I could definitely relate as I, too, found myself in similar overwhelming situations before.

What if I told you that none of them were right? But, believe it or not, none of them were wrong either. It all boils down to PERSONAL CHOICE.

Combining various ways to get abs is the way to go and it’s up to you to decide which ones you think will work best for your body and your lifestyle. That is truly the best course of action, especially if you’re really serious about getting six pack abs.

The possibilities are endless, but there are only 2 things that you have to keep in mind for you to successfully carry out your personal fitness program:

  1. Follow a healthy diet; and
  2. Develop a regular fitness routine.

While these key concepts are pretty much standard, going about them may vary from person to person. Indeed, there are countless ways to get abs with a variety of diet options.

To greatly improve your diet, you have to consider WHAT you need to eat, HOW MUCH you need to eat, and HOW OFTEN you need to eat.

Basically, you need a diet that includes whole grains, lean meats and other rich sources of protein, fresh fruits, and a vast selection of vegetables. Instead of taking out fat from your diet completely, simply stick to essential and good forms of fat commonly found in nuts and fish.

How much of the healthy foods mentioned above are actually in your present diet? Do you think you’ve been eating far too much fat than you should? Are your meals mostly made up of processed carbs? Do you eat a lot of deep fried foods and dairy?

Reevaluating and weighing your food options are great ways to get abs. Asking yourself questions like these will help you customize your meals toward healthier practices.

This doesn’t mean you have to go totally Vegan and stay out of restaurants for good. Instead of ordering a big fat burger, maybe you could opt for a grilled sandwich or a fresh salad with a grilled meat garnish. Similarly, you can always go for olive oil based food instead of butter. Again, it just boils down to your choices and making the BEST one at a particular time.

The second component is just as important. Engaging in various cardio and targeted abs workouts will not only get you fast results, but it will also help you maintain an generally healthier lifestyle.

There are many ways to get abs, and all you have to do is line them up according to your priorities. A tailored fitness program works. Add in some determination and hard work, and you’ll definitely see results in no time.

2 Quick and Easy Abs Diet Recipes

You might be thinking that abs diet recipesare “skimpy,” or “tasteless,” or “BORING!” They’re actually not. It really depends on what ingredients you end up using when you prepare your meals.

Think about it…who wouldn’t be bored of tomatoes if they’re ALL you use? Don’t be afraid to experiment a little. A little variety can actually spice up any diet, and a low fat, high protein one is just what you need to get six pack abs.

Check out these 2 quick and easy abs diet recipes that are sure to help you get in shape AND tickle your taste buds:

1. Asian Salad with Tofu and Mushrooms

Soy products, such as tofu, have high protein content. Including tofu in your diet not only provides you with an alternative for your usual protein sources (e.g. chicken, pork, beef), but it is also great for building lean muscle. Take a crack at this awesome Asian-inspired meal.


6 oz. firm tofu, drained and diced

1 cup shiitake mushroom, sliced

2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce

1 tablespoon lemon juice

½ clove garlic, minced

2 cups Napa cabbage, lightly shredded

1 cup bok choy, lightly shredded

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon sesame oil


  1. Mix soy sauce, lemon juice, and garlic in a bowl. Pour diced tofu in gently and set aside to marinade for about 10 minutes.
  2. Place your shredded greens in a serving bowl.
  3. Drain the tofu and set aside the marinade. In a skillet, heat the extra virgin olive oil and sesame oil, then add in your mushrooms, stirring occasionally. After a couple of minutes, add the tofu and let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
  4. Right before serving, add the marinade into the pan and stir until it slightly warms up. Pour the heated mixture over your salad and toss gently.

Time to Prepare: 15 minutes

Makes 2 servings

2. Chicken and Lentil Soup

Lentils are also very rich in protein. Take note that green lentils cook faster, so if you’re in a hurry yet still crave for a gourmet meal at home, this one’s a keeper. Feel free to add your favorite herbs (e.g. rosemary, dill, thyme).


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

6 oz. chicken breast, diced

½ cup lentils

1 carrot, peeled and diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 medium can low-sodium chicken broth

1 cup spinach

preferred herbs, chopped



  1. Heat oil in a saucepan and cook the chicken. Once cooked, remove the chicken from the pan and set aside.
  2. Add garlic, carrots, and preferred herbs, then stir for about a minute. Mix in the broth and lentils, and cook for about 20 minutes.
  3. Add the chicken, lemon juice, and spinach. When it comes to a boil, you’ll know it’s ready.

Time to Prepare: 30 minutes

Makes 1 serving and some leftover

There are countless of abs diet recipes online that are easy to make and actually good for you. Collect as many as you can and start cooking…EATING…to a healthier you.

Add your own abs diet recipe for others to enjoy! Simple leave your comments below.

The Basics of the Flat Stomach Fast Diet

We all want to have flat stomachs but it requires focus and determination. Your flat stomach fast diethas to combine a proper diet and an ab blasting workout.

Start with cutting down on soft drinks, diet or otherwise. It’s a proven fact that diet drinks actually cause weight gain. Cutting out soft drinks can have a big effect on your waistline in only a week’s time. Replace those soft drinks with water or fruit juice for added health benefits.

Continue your flat stomach fast diet by including more healthy foods in your diet. Cut down on junk food and increase the fruits and vegetables in your daily routine. You’ll feel a difference in your stomach, and everywhere else in your body.

Water can make a major impact on your quest for flat abs. If you aren’t getting the recommended 8 glasses of water per day, start immediately. Water flushes out toxins from your system, helps your cells work better and fills you up.

It is really important to eat regular small meals. Don’t starve yourself in order to get the perfect stomach. The flat stomach fast diet means taking 5 to 7 small meals per day.

Why do you need to eat so often? It has to do with boosting your metabolism. All of the flat abs exercises in the world won’t make a difference if you have a high percentage of body fat. The more body fat you lose, the more you will be able to see your tight ab muscles.

Boosting your metabolism is essential to the flat stomach fast diet. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day will fire up your metabolism and make you a fat burning machine.

Too many people try to eliminate calories when they diet and end up slowing down their metabolism. Spreading the same amount of calories throughout the day is the best way to supercharge your metabolism.

The final component of the flat stomach fast diet is setting up a good ab workout routine for yourself. Alternate fat burning cardio workouts with strength training that will target your abs.

Try different types of crunches on different days to work out all of your ab muscles. Use standard crunches to work your upper abs and leg lifts for your lower abs. Side bends will target your obliques, or love handles.

Make sure to track your progress so you can see how many inches you lose, and stick to it! The flat stomach fast diet will work but you have to give it time to transform your body.