Weighted Reverse Crunch

[pro-player width=”600″ height=”319″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MePi5ynkXS8[/youtube]



  1. Place a dumbbell in between your feet
  2. Lie on your back with no tension in your neck
  3. Raise your legs, bending at the knees, until your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor and your chins are parallel to the floor


Using your lower abs and with control, lift your hips off the floor and towards you chest. Hold for one second.


With control, slowly lower your hips back to the starting position.


Which part of the weighted reverse crunch do you find most challenging? Share your opinion by leaving your comments below.

One-Arm Dumbbell Swings

[pro-player width=”600″ height=”319″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdSfNtlRQEI[/youtube]

When the word “dumbbell” is mentioned, what often comes to mind is using it to condition and increase the strength of your chest, arms or shoulders. What you may not know is that dumbbells may also be used to condition your hips and lower body. This is what one-arm dumbbells swings intend to do.

One-arm dumbbell swings has an extended range of motion which is why it is not surprising it can work out a large number of your major muscle groups, from your glutes and hamstring to your quadriceps, core muscles and shoulder muscles. Doing this exercise is like performing a combination of squats and weight lifting so you can actually reap the benefits of these 2 exercises. Due to the intensity of this exercise, you can also expect a great boost in your metabolism.

Hence, one-arm dumbbell swings should be part of any six pack abs exercises. You can start with lighter weights for muscle toning then move on to heavier ones for strength training.

As this is one exercise where success greatly depends on proper form, do this in front of a mirror especially if you are a first timer. Better yet, check out this video on performing one-arm dumbbell swings.



  1. Straddle dumbbell with feet slightly wider apart than shoulder width.
  2. Squat down with arm extended downward between legs and grasp dumbbell handle with overhand grip…with dumbbell sides facing front and back.
  3. Position shoulder over dumbbell with strong arched back (not rounded)
  4. Torso close to vertical.


  1. Pull dumbbell up off floor, slightly forward, just above height of ankles.
  2. Immediately dip down slightly and swing dumbbell back under hips.
  3. Quickly swing dumbbell up by raising upper body upright and extending legs.
  4. Continue to swing dumbbell back down between legs and up higher on each swing until height just above head can be maintained.


  1. Swing dumbbell back down between legs.
  2. Allow dumbbell to swing forward but do not extend hips and knees (as would be required to continue the swing). Slow dumbbell’s swing and place in starting position between feet.


Have any tips to doing dumbbell swings safely? Share them by adding your comments below.

One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

[pro-player width=”600″ height=”319″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJWQxfCVB-U[/youtube]



  1. Stand with feet apart and toes pointing outward slightly.
  2. Position dumbbell in front of thigh with knuckles forward.


  1. Squat down with back arched and lower dumbbell between knees with arm straight and shoulder over dumbbell.
  2. Pull dumbbell up by extending hips and knees.
  3. Jump upward extending body.
  4. Shrug shoulders and pull dumbbell upward with arm allowing elbow to pull up to side, keeping elbow over dumbbell as long as possible.
  5. Aggressively pull body under dumbbell.
  6. Catch dumbbell at arm’s length while moving into squat position.
  7. As soon as dumbbell is caught on locked out arm in squat position, squat up into standing position with dumbbell overhead.


Lower dumbbell to front of shoulder, then down to original position in front of thigh.


Renegade dumbbell rows

[pro-player width=”600″ height=”319″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60mHSzgcP14[/youtube]

Dare to do something different with your six pack abs exercise routine by trying renegade dumbbell rows. This exercise is just perfect for targeting your abs muscles because while you are working to increase your strength in lifting the dumbbells, you are also giving yourself stabilization training while trying to balance yourself.

Because of combined strength and balance needed, renegade dumbbells rows can be a very challenging exercise. Yet, its demands can also force your upper body muscles to tighten and contract to remain rigid and hence, balanced the entire time.

Apart from the resistance it gives to your upper body including the chest, renegade dumbbell rows also gives your shoulders, middle back, triceps and lats a good workout while you carry your body weight with one arm and lift the dumbbells with another.

The goal of this exercise is to contract the target muscles as much as possible so there should be no reason to do them in a hurry. Renegade dumbbell rows are a tough but highly effective core exercise. You know this exercise is working when you can feel the desired muscle groups contracting. All the more, once you see those sculpted hard midsection you have always longed for!

Watch the video to see how this exercise can be properly executed.



Start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells.


Row one dumbbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm.


Bring the dumbbell back to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me… you’ll feel it in the abs!


Has this exercise worked for you? Tell us how by entering your comments below.

Mountain Climbers

[pro-player width=”600″ height=”319″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUQQrejCS2E[/youtube]

Have you ever seen mountain climbers with a midsection that are in bad shape? I would not think so. Mountain climbing is one of the best exercises to work out your abs and with the mountain climber exercise, you too can reap the same benefits and more anywhere, without having to prepare your hiking gears.

Mountain climbers are especially beneficial for your abs as they contract while you quickly shift the positions of your feet. They are also considered a total body workout since they build the strength of your chest, quads, lower back, calves, hamstrings and triceps. And because of the ways they can promote an elevated heart rate, mountain climbers can also serve as excellent cardiovascular exercises.

Depending on your target and experience, this exercise can also be done with a wide range of flexibility. You can vary the speed of how you move your feet, add the movement of hands along with it and change the direction of your knees, among others.

To avoid the risk of injury, check the video to the correct preparation and execution for this exercise. Incorporate mountain climbers in your six pack abs exercises and climb your way to well defined, ripped abs.



Start in a pushup position


Shuffle your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It sort of resembles climbing a mountain but flat on the floor.

If you want an advanced version, you can also shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than the standard.

Have your own version to doing mountain climbers? Show us how by leaving your suggestions below.