How to do Prisoner Forward Lunge




Stand straight and lace your fingers behind your head, so that your arms are in a “prisoner” position.


Lunge your right foot forward so that your right knee forms a right angle to the floor and your left knee dips toward the floor. Make sure the your right knee does not go beyond the line of your toes and your left knee does not touch the ground.


Step your right foot back to its original position next to your left foot.


Execute these 2 steps a few times and do the same on the other side.

What do you like best about this exercise? Tell us by adding your comments below.

How to do Narrow Push Ups


Push ups are not just one of the most practical exercises you can do for your abdominals; they are also one of the most flexible as you can easily vary them, depending on which muscle groups you specifically want to target.

For this segment, we provide you with step by step instructions on how to do narrow push ups. Narrow push ups differ from wide push ups by the placement of your hands. In wide push ups, your hands are more spread far apart. With narrow push ups, your hands are placed more inward closer to your chest.

This puts added weight to your arms when you lift your upper body away from the floor. Consequently, this allows to build your arms muscles specifically your triceps as well as your shoulders.

Like other push ups, narrow push ups effectively train your chest with each rep you do. To fully achieve this, you will have to keep your back straight and the buttocks part stationary at all times.

By increasing your strength and endurance in the chest and arms areas, this exercise serves as a great complement to other abs exercises in your routine such as resistance training, which requires heavy weight lifting.



  1. Lie on the floor, face down.
  2. Position your hands on the floor and pull them in slightly so they are on each side of your chest, palms facing down.
  3. Flex your feet, so your body is parallel to the floor, your elbows are bent, and your toes are touching the ground.


Extend your arms and lift your weight upward. Keep your abdominal muscles taut, and your upper body and legs as straight as possible.


Lower your body back to the floor.


What do you find most challenging with this exercise? Let us know and add your feedback below.

How to do Leg Up Touch Crunch Advance




  1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
  2. Spread your arms across the floor.
  3. Lift your legs straight up so that your lower body and upper body form a right angle.


  1. Lift your shoulders slightly off the ground as you would in a regular crunch.
  2. Extend your arms in front of you and reach out to slightly touch your knees.
  3. Drop your arms back down to the floor to form a T with your upper body.
  4. Repeat steps 1 & 2, but this time, lower your legs slightly while keeping them straight.
  5. Drop your arms back to the floor.
  6. Repeat steps 1 & 2 and lower your legs even further.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 until your legs are just an inch away from the floor.


  1. Rest your arms over your chest.
  2. Raise your legs straight up.


In what other ways can you do this exercise easier? Add your own advise by sending your comments below.

How to do Jumpers




  1. Find a linear space on the floor and stand on one side of the room, feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Lower your hips as you would when you’re about to sit on a chair, but stop halfway.
  3. Keep your back straight.
  4. Straighten out your arms over your thighs, as if lifting an imaginary barbell.


1.     Spring forward by fully extending your body and legs in mid-air, swinging your arms backward for momentum.

2.     Land in a full squat on both feet, extending your arms fully in front of you.


Go back to your starting position.


Have you done this before? What can you say about performing jumpers? Send in your thought by filling up the comment box below.

How to do Incline Reverse Bicycle Crunches




  1. Lie flat on your back on an inclined exercise bench.
  2. Swing your arms upward and grab the bar with both hands over head for balance.
  3. Lift both legs an inch or two off the bench and point your toes upward.


Raise your right knee so that your thigh forms a right angle with the floor.


Simultaneously lower your right knee back to its original position while raising your left knee.
