1. If you want it fast, you will have to heat it up. That means metabolism. A number of natural foods will kick start your system into burning food faster, and more efficiently.
Some of these foods are:
- garlic
- asparagus
- romaine lettuce
- apples
- berries
- soy
- sunflower oil
All of these either help your body reject fat, or eliminate toxins, while they stimulate your metabolism.
Garlic is great for the immune system. It helps to cleanse your organs and tissues. Asparagus and romaine lettuce will help you eliminate extra water from your system, which prevents bloating.
Apples and berries are high in pectin, which hinders retention of fat by the body. Soy is a leaner protein than meat, and even more nutritious.
Sunflower oil is lighter than olive or corn oils, and more easily digestible.
Foods to avoid:
- fats
- sugar
- starch
Foods that are fatty include:
- nuts
- meat
- olives
- snack foods
- fried foods
- butter, cheese and non-skim milk
Watch out for hidden sugar and starch in energy bars and prepared foods, like instant side dishes. Changing your diet a little can cut months off your exercise program, and give you fast flat abs.
2. Temperature is important. Not the room temperature; your body temperature. Getting rid of stored fat in the body is like trying to cook it out of your food. It’s nicer not to have it at all; but once it’s there, you have got to heat it to make it go away. This means isolating the abdominal section of the body, and dressing it warmer.
They make exercise clothing just for this, usually made of a lightweight foam-like composite material. You wear it underneath your sweatshirt while you exercise. If you have something that will work already, save the money. Once you’ve trimmed that abdominal section, you won’t be needing it anymore.
Exercise clothes won’t make you look slim in the gym, but they will speed up that burn.
3. Don’t think that exercise is just for workout time. Increase your activity level all week long.
You may not know it, but there are tons of ways to exercise during your normal day.
Activities that you can do during your day include:
- Power walk around the mall while you shop – alone or with a friend.
- Park farther from your destination on purpose. Those few extra minutes of walking can really add up!
- Take the dog, or the kids, to the park for an extra hour on Saturday.
- When you have a little extra time, walk to the store, rather than driving.
With the right knowledge and a good attitude, you can begin to see results much faster than with exercise alone.
Anything else you might add? Feel free to do so by sharing below.