A Much Faster Way To Get Female Abs…

Click here for a free video on a simple way to eat for sexy female abs…

Recently, I was talking with a good friend of mine,Tara, who was planning a trip to Hawaii. Her trip was in a couple months and she was completely stressed because she did not know how to improve her female abs before the trip.

You see, two years ago she had a child and was struggling to get rid of what she called her “muffin-top, mommy pooch”. A layer of stubborn belly fat that spilled out over the top of her jeans.

The biggest problem was that she was a VERY busy career mom with very little time for herself; and didn’t have time for complicated diet and exercise programs. Are you beginning to see her dilemma?

If you’re like many women, you’re juggling being a mom, a wife, having a career, being a daughter and/or maybe a sister. And you’re being pulled from multiple directions. So at the end of the day, how much time do you have left to really take care of yourself?

In the next 2 minutes, you’ll learn the 5 tricks I showed my friend to get great female abs that fits into the busiest lifestyles:


Tip#1: Be Determined to Take Time to Work on Your Female Abs

Now, I want you to think about the above sentence over and over. Just imagine for a moment giving yourself 15-30 solid minutes towards taking care of yourself and your flat tummy goal.

As we began talking about how Tara might reach her female abs goal in two months, I realized that carving out the few minutes it takes was her biggest challenge. With all her commitments, she’d forgotten her commitment to HERSELF.

Can you see yourself in Tara?

Now, as you continue to read my words, make a commitment to yourself that you are important enough to have time for just YOU- and not feel guilty about it. In fact, you probably already know that when you’re happy and taken care of, everyone else is happy.

Obviously, this can be easier said than done.

Here’s a secret: make time for yourself at the very start of the day. I’ve seen this very effective trick work over and over again. Using this secret guarantees that you’ll carve out the time to work on your female abs.


Tip#2: Reduce Your Stress

Okay, you’re probably wondering, “what do I do with the time I just committed to?” Relax!

Scientific fact: Too much stress leads to an overproduction of the hormone cortisol. Too much excess cortisol directly leads to excess belly fat.

What this all means is that your stress is making your stomach collect more belly fat. Not Good!

The two very effective ways to fight this are meditation and…get ready for it: dark chocolate!

Meditation is a proven stress-buster and according to the Journal of Proteome Research, dark chocolate contains antioxidants that reduce the “stress hormone”, cortisol.

See, this female abs thing doesn’t have to be all work and no play :)

The trick is to choose organic, dark chocolate made from 70, 80 or even 90% cacao (means fewer “bad ingredients”, like refined sugar) and limit your serving size to only 1 to 1-1/2 ounces. Too much of a good thing is still bad….


Tip#3: Make Simple But Effective Changes to What and How You Eat

Okay, let me confess something: this isn’t just about making time to relax and eat chocolate! You already know that it takes changing what and how you eat.

Stop! No dramatic diets please. Many studies have already proven that hardcore diets just do not work long-term. In fact, for most people, dieting actually makes pack on more fat in the long run.

I don’t want this to be you. See yourself mastering these 3 proven eating strategies for female abs:

  • Eat 6 or smaller meals rather than 1-3 big meals to increase your metabolism and make fat-burning automatic
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • Eat real foods that are unprocessed- e.g. oatmeal, fruits vegetables, lean meats and fish (just doing this will make a huge difference on your waist!)
  • Eat consciously. When you eat, do nothing else. Stop eating when you no longer feel hungry.

Because, my friend Tara was so busy, I give her a copy of The Diet Solution Program. It came with a “Quick Start Guide” that allowed her to start getting results right away with a proven fat-burning eating strategy.

At first she was resistant because of the word “diet” in the name but I assured her that I hate “diets” too. The Diet Solution Program is not the name I would’ve chosen but the program is great! And Tara loves it because she loves food as much as I do and wanted a program that wasn’t frustratingly restrictive.

If you’re really committed to getting sexy, female abs and are anything like my friend Tara, you’ll get really excited once you see this free video…

Tip#4: The Real Secret to Long-Term Fat-Burning

Any expert will agree that while a good eating strategy is important, some kind of effective fat-burning is essential. It takes both a good eating strategy and training if you want great female abs.

But before you hop on that treadmill, know this: cardio is not the best way to burn fat!

You’ll be surprised to discover that muscle-building is actually better at burning fat which means you’ll see a nice, lean midsection faster!

“But I don’t want to look like a bodybuilder!” is what my friend said when I first suggested that she add muscle-building to her game plan.

Fortunately, women really don’t usually have to worry about over-building their muscles. Unless you do extreme bodybuilding, or take professional bulking supplements or steroids, you will never get the “Mr. Universe” type physique.

Certain areas of the body are more resistant to definition than others. Studies on exercise results between men and women show that men and women metabolize differently. While doctors are not completely sure why this happens, they suspect that the difference is hormonal.

According to fitness and nutrition expert, Mike Geary from the Truth About Six Pack Abs, the biggest mistake women make when trying to get female abs is only focusing on diet and cardio. The right kind of muscle-building actually gives far better results than cardio, long-term!

To prove this to Tara, I let her borrow my copy of Truth About Six Pack Abs where Mike give you a detailed, holistic plan to get nice abs for both women and men.


Tip#5: Build Your Abs!

After you have cleared away the fat, you still have to build your abdominal muscles to get that sexy, toned abs look. This takes time and training. No supplement and no miracle exercise program can do what consistency will produce.

Many people find that exercises like sit-ups create more back strain than results. The ideal ab exercises isolate the entire abdominal region, without putting unnecessary strain on your back.

Using a machine can speed up the effect, combined with floor exercises, like the bicycle and double crunch.

It takes time and effort to get those female abs to come out, but diet, exercise and persistence are the key factors.

Make sure you keep up the full-body, muscle-toning workout so that you get that overall toned appearance, while you build those beautiful female abs.

Have any of these proven useful for you? Let me know by leaving your comments below.

My 6 Pack Abs Work Out – How I Shocked a Gold’s Gym Trainer!

OMG! I just got back from the gym and I’m geeked…I just started the 6 pack abs work out that I got from www.NoNonsense6Pack.com; and I wanted to ask one of the top trainer’s at my gym (Gold’s Gym) what he thought about the program…After a quick moment, he looked up and said, “Wow, where did you get this?! This is what we’re now using for our premium clients!”

I felt so great! I knew it was a good 6 pack abs work out program for me but I didn’t think it was that good! I was proud for the rest of my workout…Corny but true story :-D

6 pack abs work out

Do you know anyone else who has tried the no nonsense six pack? What feedback have you received? Let us know below.

Men, Abs and Machines – What’s the Truth?

Stunning men abs are everywhere. You can see sculpted bods on TV, in magazines, and on billboards. We all know that a six pack is sexy. But how do you get one?

Those sculpted bods with ripped abs are usually paid models selling some gadget, gizmo, gimmick, or machine promising to give you rock solid sexy abs.

Do those machines work? Do you know the truth?

Before you buy an abdominal training machine or join a gym, there are 3 things you should know:

  1. Abdominal training machines can aid in strengthening and toning, but they will not give you overall strength or melt fat, when used alone.
  2. Although machines and equipment may help, men abs can get toned and strong without them, at home.
  3. Due to genetics, some men will get rock hard abs quicker and easier than others.


The number of abdominal training machines available is mind-boggling. Many can be found at the gym, and others are available for home use. Do they work?

That depends. Some provide real benefits, most are the same as just doing abdominal targeting exercises, and a few actually do nothing.

The machines you can find in the gym usually have the benefit of progressive resistance, allowing you to increase your workout as you increase in strength, but you can achieve the same benefits at home by doing weighted exercises.

The primary benefits to purchasing an at-home machine for men abs are:

  1. Motivation
  2. Form

If having a machine will motivate you to follow through with your fitness plan, then purchasing one is a good investment. If it won’t, then it may not be.

Form is an important consideration. If you do not have good form, you are not exercising properly. This not only defeats the purpose of working out, but puts you at risk for injury. An exercise machine cannot give you good form. However, once you know you are exercising properly, the machine can reinforce your good form until it becomes second nature to you.

Before purchasing a machine, ask your friends for recommendations and check popular review sites on the Web.

Working Abs at Home

Unlike with many exercises, there is little danger in working your abs to exhaustion. Start out slow, and step up your routine until you can’t do anymore.

6 great ab training exercises are:

  • lying leg raises – lower abs
  • reverse crunches – lower abs
  • hanging knee raises – lower abs
  • ab crunches – upper abs
  • cross-knee crunches – upper abs
  • pulldown crunches – upper abs


Don’t get discouraged because the guy next to you at the gym works out half as much and has abs of steel, while you’re still sporting love handles. Most people who start a fitness routine for the first time give up within a month.


Because they aren’t taking genetics into account. Did your father have a potbelly? Don’t be surprised if you do too.

Don’t worry, though. You’re not doomed. But you may have to work harder and longer than others; men abs aren’t always the same.

Keep training, and remember that proper diet and cardio fitness is key to any fitness routine, and soon your hard work will be paying off and you’ll be glad that you didn’t quit.

Why Female Abs Take Longer

While most of us want to see the results of our efforts in the mirror, we are not professional body builders. Looking like a professional body builder is usually more results than desired.

Women really don’t usually have to worry about over building. Unless you do extreme bodybuilding, or take professional bulking supplements, you will never get the “Mr. Universe” type physique.

Click Here to Build Sexy Female Abs!

Certain areas of the body are more resistant to definition than others. Studies on exercise results between men and women show that men and women metabolize differently. While doctors are not completely sure why this happens, they suspect that the difference is hormonal.

The wall of the abdomen in females of normal weight is still naturally covered with a layer of fat. When you burn fat in the body, you lose weight, but you do not necessarily gain mass. Because the body does not convert free fatty acids into muscle, fat enters the bloodstream and diminishes over time. If you are older and menopausal, this can translate into changes in the heart and blood pressure.

While moderate exercise is great for everyone, intensive isolations, such as female ab development, should be approached along with another, more general, program of exercise to gradually build stamina and cardiovascular health.

On the other hand, while female abs are harder to define, men are more prone to hernias in that body region.

The greatest obstruction to defining female abs is finding them. In order to see them, you have to lose the body fat. This means major changes in diet to trim those stubborn pounds in the midsection area, and consistent reduction of fat intake to keep those toned abs exposed. Sugar, sweets, fried foods, and junk food snacks all have to go.

After you have cleaned away the fat, you still have to build a little tissue to get that sexy, toned abs look. This takes time and training. No supplement and no miracle exercise program can do what consistency will produce. You don’t have to build a lot of muscle to show off, but no muscle will give you that flat pancake look without the six pack.

A lot of traditional exercises create more back strain than results. Ideal exercises isolate the entire abdominal region, including the lower back, adding definition and increasing strength as your regimen expands. Using a machine can speed up the effect, combined with floor exercises, like the reverse crunch.

It takes time and effort to get those female abs to buff up, but diet, exercise and persistence are the key factors.

  • Diet
  • Exercise specific muscles
  • Determination

Make sure you keep up the general workout so that you get that overall toned appearance, while you build those beautiful female abs.

Click Here to Build Sexy Female Abs!

4 Tips to Remember When Buying Abdominal Fitness Equipment

Buying abdominal fitness equipment is like shopping for any other item at the store. I must admit, it can be intimidating at times. But with these 4 points to ponder on, shopping could be a breeze.

1. How exactly do you fulfill your “want?”

Think about it: you’re not exactly walking into a store to buy a bag of chips. We’re talking moderately expensive, high-tech equipment over here. You have to think these things through.

You definitely would want something that would get you those six pack abs WITHOUT breaking the bank. You probably would also want something you can easily store.

Think in terms of LONG TERM USAGE. Abdominal fitness equipment may cost next to nothing, but more often than not, they don’t last too long either.

Cost will always be a factor. But keep in mind that, as with anything you buy (e.g. clothes, food), quality is of the essence. You must consider the brand of a product, extended warranty offers, and customer testimonials.

Payment plans can also help you make up your mind on a potential buy. There are so many choices out there, it can be overwhelming. But factoring in the price and available payment plans, either by the store or your credit card company, can help you decide which one you can actually go for.

2. What do you REALLY need?

Are you really going for results or the fancy brand of the equipment? Abdominal fitness equipment with off-the-roof prices don’t necessarily mean they work.

Basically, you need to balance “flash” with “function.”

What you need is a piece of equipment that works for YOU. If you’re just starting out, go for a more basic, user-friendly item. As you build abdominal muscle through time, you can eventually go up a grade higher and go for the more complicated ones.

You can always start with an exercise ball. Those hardly cost anything, but the results you can get by using them regularly can be astounding.

3. Compare, compare, compare!

Looking around before purchasing anything is always the way to go. You shouldn’t buy the first piece of abdominal fitness equipment you see because you MIGHT just find something better. Window shopping can take a while, but think about how much you can save.

Nothing is worse than buyer’s remorse, believe you me.

If you have a particular kind of equipment in mind, check with different brands. Compare prices, warranties, and product specifications to get a good deal. If you’re spending on equipment, you might as well score the best one.

4. Product Guarantees

Expect only great things from the items you purchase. Ask yourself, are you actually getting the latest model? Will the cost still be acceptable if you factor in shipping fees? What if it breaks down? Can you have it replaced or repaired at once? Is there even an option for extended warranties?

Keep these 4 tips in mind and you can’t go wrong. With just a little bit of homework and some product canvassing, you can absolutely score the best deals in abdominal fitness equipment.

Got any abdominal fitness equipment advice? Share them by adding a comment below.