How to Get Sexy Abs – Use Side Stomach Crunches

Side stomach crunches unfamiliar to you? Have you decided that it’s finally time for you to get on top of things, and start developing your abs into the muscle packs that you have always wanted? It’s certainly a noble goal, and there is nothing to keep you from achieving it. There are many ways to develop flat and muscular abs, and some work better than others.

One of my favorite exercises for the abs is the stomach crunch and side stomach crunch. It doesn’t require any workout equipment or trips to the gym, but if you stick with it for any extended period of time, you’re sure to make the desired improvements.

You’ve most likely seen the stomach crunch performed before. All it takes is lying on your back with your hands behind your head, then curling at the stomach and bringing your face and elbows upward. Essentially you are crunching your abs together.

After you have performed your amount of initial stomach crunches, you should do side stomach crunches to effectively hit not only the front of your stomach muscles, but both sides as well. Instead of pushing your elbows straight forward, you will rotate to one side as you lift off of the ground, and put more emphasis onto that cluster of muscles.

This exercise is so simple, yet is the most fundamental ab movement, and therefore extremely effective. The movement of contraction then expansion will rip your muscles to shreds (which, remember, is a good thing) and leave you feeling extremely sore. And with the side stomach crunches thrown in to boot, your ab muscles will be screaming.

The effective number of reps depends on your personal shape and goals. Do you want to go from chubby to lean and mean in just a few months? Well, you had better do crunches until you are physically incapable of doing them any more. Repeat this every day, and you will see maximum results.

But if your goals are a little less extreme and you just want to tighten up the stomach area, you can get by with slightly less rigorous amounts of ab exercises. If you do 50 normal crunches and 50 side stomach crunches, you won’t be off to too bad of a start.

If you want to really improve your abs quickly through stomach crunches and side stomach crunches, then it all depends on finding what a comfortable amount is for you, while still pushing yourself closer and closer to your personal upper limit.

How to Get Nice Abs – 3 Tips for the Perfect Workout Environment

I’m sure you’ve read countless magazine articles and web posts on how to get nice abs. Sometimes, it may start to feel like a chore. This leads to passivity and, most often than not, laziness.

The best way to work out your abs is by making it as comfortable and as fun as possible. Sure, it is considered as WORK. But as with any other form of labor, you must enjoy every second to really get the most out of it.

Once you get your total fitness plan all ironed out, it is time to figure out WHERE you can carry out these exercises. Answering this question will better help you understand how to get nice abs.

Establishing a favorable workout environment allows your mind and body to become at ease even while doing the most challenging of exercises. In doing so, you are simultaneously creating a routine that, ultimately, can be stress-free and fun. I mean, who wouldn’t want a pleasant workout experience?

The More the Merrier

If you get motivation from working with others or if you generally need support while doing your ab routine, then going to the gym or other exercise facilities would be ideal for you. Most of these establishments have free trial sessions or, if you’re lucky, extended trial periods. Taking advantage of these promotions will help you make up your mind easily.

People you work out with can definitely show you how to get nice abs, especially if they have six pack abs themselves. Working out with equally driven individuals can be very encouraging, and you can even pick up more tips along the way.

The Lone Star

Exercising in the midst of gorgeous bodies and health buffs could be highly motivating, but it can also go the other way, especially if you don’t feel comfortable around many people. The idea of keeping up with the exercise maniac next to you can be somewhat intimidating, I get that.

But don’t you worry because you can still get results fast even when you work out on your own. The best part is that you won’t even have to leave your house.

How to get nice abs at home, you ask? All you need to do is pick a peaceful spot; somewhere spacious and private, like your bedroom, the basement, your garage, or even the backyard.

The Right Stuff

Stocking up on useful yet inexpensive exercise tools can also ensure a fun and effective workout. Some things you might want to have lying around are decent workout music, an exercise mat, an exercise ball, interactive workout videos, and the like.

You can easily stack and store these items in a shelf or storage room nearby. Less hassle and double the fun, that’s what we’re going for.

Consistency will definitely show you how to get nice abs. By picking the most convenient and comfortable workout environment, you can enjoy every minute and get really nice abs in no time at all.

Top 3 Male Yoga Exercises for Abs

You think male yoga exercises for abs are too…ho-hum and mild for your taste?

Most men have this notion that fast-paced, highly-intense full body workouts and backbreaking targeted abs exercises are the only forms of physical activity that can be done to result in six pack abs. Although there is some truth to that, it’s not necessarily a hard, fast rule. Laid-back fitness routines such as stretching and yoga can also get you great abs without having to constantly gasp for air.

There’s a good reason why yoga has been around for centuries. It promotes good posture, flexibility, builds strength, and conditions your whole body for maximum performance. Similarly, male yoga exercises for abs can target your core muscles, rendering them lean and tough

During yoga, your abdominal muscles, along with other hard-to-define muscle groups, are stretched, elongated, and conditioned. Performing yoga regularly will help sculpt your midsection and tone the rest of your body. It truly is a complete body routine.

There are many yoga positions you can incorporate into your fitness program, but the following are proven to be the most effective in developing abs and other muscle groups as well.

1. Yoga Crunches. Regular crunches have been a popular choice among ab builders and enthusiasts. They can also be adapted as male yoga exercises for abs.

To perform these, simply lie on the floor as you would with conventional crunches. Slowly pull in both knees toward your chest. Straighten your legs until they’re completely flexed and perpendicular to the floor.

Carefully bend your knees close to your chest again while keeping your abs taut. Be very aware of your abdominal muscles because even as you use your leg muscles for this exercise, your abs should also be working hard. Also, avoid arching your back at any time; this would isolate your midsection better. Do at least 10 reps of this exercise in a row to really work your abs.

2. Mountain Tilts. These standing male yoga exercises for abs will greatly define your abdominals, improve your posture, and lengthen your physique.

You must stand up, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and relax your arms on each side. Lift your right arm above your head and bend to the left. Reach our as far as your fingers will go and hold it there for about 5 seconds. Go back to your starting position and do the same on the other side. Do at least 5 reps of this exercise.

3. Triangle Pose. Like the previous male yoga exercises for abs, the triangle pose requires you to stand on your feet. With your feet further apart than in mountain tilts and planted securely on the ground, point your left foot forward and turn your right foot out 90 degrees. Extend both arms on your sides and slowly bend to your left at the waist. Remember not to pivot so that your torso and head are still facing the same direction as your left foot. Rest your left hand on your leg and stretch your right as high up as you can. Hold it there for around 10-15 seconds then come back up. Switch sides and feet and do the same on the other side. Doing 3 poses on each side should be more than enough.

Male yoga exercises for abs are definitely far from drab. Give them a try today!

Have you tried any of these? Share your experience by posting your comments below.

Fast Flat Abs Easy

When you’re trying to get fast flat abs there are a few important things you can do to get started. All of them will help increase the burn, so you can expose those sexy tummy muscles, while you’re toning them.

1. If you want it fast, you will have to heat it up. That means metabolism. A number of natural foods will kick start your system into burning food faster, and more efficiently.

Some of these foods are:

  • garlic
  • asparagus
  • romaine lettuce
  • apples
  • berries
  • soy
  • sunflower oil

All of these either help your body reject fat, or eliminate toxins, while they stimulate your metabolism.

Garlic is great for the immune system. It helps to cleanse your organs and tissues. Asparagus and romaine lettuce will help you eliminate extra water from your system, which prevents bloating.

Apples and berries are high in pectin, which hinders retention of fat by the body. Soy is a leaner protein than meat, and even more nutritious.

Sunflower oil is lighter than olive or corn oils, and more easily digestible.

Foods to avoid:

  • fats
  • sugar
  • starch

Foods that are fatty include:

  • nuts
  • meat
  • olives
  • snack foods
  • fried foods
  • butter, cheese and non-skim milk

Watch out for hidden sugar and starch in energy bars and prepared foods, like instant side dishes. Changing your diet a little can cut months off your exercise program, and give you fast flat abs.

2. Temperature is important. Not the room temperature; your body temperature. Getting rid of stored fat in the body is like trying to cook it out of your food. It’s nicer not to have it at all; but once it’s there, you have got to heat it to make it go away. This means isolating the abdominal section of the body, and dressing it warmer.

They make exercise clothing just for this, usually made of a lightweight foam-like composite material. You wear it underneath your sweatshirt while you exercise. If you have something that will work already, save the money. Once you’ve trimmed that abdominal section, you won’t be needing it anymore.

Exercise clothes won’t make you look slim in the gym, but they will speed up that burn.

3. Don’t think that exercise is just for workout time. Increase your activity level all week long.

You may not know it, but there are tons of ways to exercise during your normal day.

Activities that you can do during your day include:

  • Power walk around the mall while you shop – alone or with a friend.
  • Park farther from your destination on purpose. Those few extra minutes of walking can really add up!
  • Take the dog, or the kids, to the park for an extra hour on Saturday.
  • When you have a little extra time, walk to the store, rather than driving.

With the right knowledge and a good attitude, you can begin to see results much faster than with exercise alone.

Anything else you might add? Feel free to do so by sharing below.

The Best Exercise for Lower Abdominals

What is the best exercise for lower abdominals? I’ll tell you right now, the secret doesn’t lie on the “what.” Instead, you should be asking yourself this: “HOW can I maximize my lower abdominals workoutso I could get six pack abs fast?”

The physical fitness industry rakes in so much money, it’s not even funny. Why? Because people like you and me will do almost anything we can to look good, and that includes spending money on gym memberships, dietary supplements, workout tools, and exercise equipment.

You’ve probably been so focused on your midsection that you’ve neglected other parts of your body. Any successful fitness goal – whether it’s building upper arm muscles or, in this case, toning the abdominal muscles – requires you to work your WHOLE body. That’s why some abdominal workout equipments don’t give the best results when used alone.

A complete fitness plan cannot only involve the best exercise for lower abdominals. To ensure well-rounded progress, you need to integrate all three aspects:

1. Low-fat diet;

2. Regular cardiovascular exercise; and

3. Core-specific exercises.

The way you eat will always affect the way you look and feel. If you exercise but eat fatty foods and neglect the essential nutrients your body needs to build muscle, you’re only setting yourself up for failure. This is why a low-fat, healthy diet is very important.

Eliminate or at least limit your intake of unnecessary carbs and fats. Instead, pack your diet with vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. Stop obsessing about the best exercise for lower abdominals for a second and think about eating frequent yet small and healthy meals.

It is a fact that following a low-fat, low-carb diet alone is also not enough. You need to work out 3 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour for you to increase your metabolic rate and, ultimately, build muscle.

Cardiovascular workouts, such as jogging and swimming, are vital to a complete fitness plan. I, myself, pop in a fitness video and workout from home if the weather isn’t ideal. You can easily do the same.

After considering your diet and your cardio workout, you are now ready to put those abdominal muscles to work. What then is the best exercise for lower abdominals?

Leg raises have been tried and tested by people from all walks of life. It’s very simple to do AND you can get so much out of it; it’s unbelievable.

All you need to do is lie flat on the floor, place your hands on each side, and raise both legs gradually until you reach a 45 degree angle. Then, lower your legs back down to your original position. Remember to tighten your abdominal muscles all through out the exercise.

To add a little variation, you can either push upward with your hips when your legs are completely perpendicular to the floor, or grip a ball in between your shins as you perform those raises.

Remember these 3 steps – diet, cardio, and the best exercise for lower abdominals – and you will surely get a solid fitness plan that WORKS.