4 Great Tips to Getting Ripped Abs Quick

There is no magic formula to getting ripped abs quick, but it does require commitment and some research to understand what you can do to get those abdominal muscles into shape.

The best way to get six pack abs is to utilize what you already have and not spend on things that are not even necessary. I’m talking about really expensive ab machines, electronic tummy belts, and prestigious gym memberships. Sure enough, these may contribute to your success, but without any definite guarantees.

The only “machine” you really need is your very own body. With the right information, a positive and proactive frame of mind, and the implementation of best practices, there’s really no stopping you from getting ripped abs quick.

Check out these 4 valuable tips that will help you build your abdominals and get rid of excess tummy fat:

1. Do regular crunches and reverse crunches.

Crunches have become very popular since the dawn of bodybuilding (and the birth of midriff shirts). These superior versions of the sit up target your abdominal muscles, especially the  rectus abdominis and lower abs, like no other basic ab exercise.

Unlike full sit ups, crunches zone in on your abs and work it harder, relying very minimally on other body parts or muscle groups for support. Instead of distributing the work among your back muscles, legs, and shoulders, your abs do most, if not all, of the work, and that’s what you must aim for if you want ripped abs quick.

2. Don’t work your abs too hard!

I know you want to see results fast. But working your abdominal muscles every single day can actually be more harmful than you think. You want to sculpt your abs, not work them to death!

Performing abdominal muscle training not more than 4 times a week should be plenty. This ensures that your abs are getting enough exercise without overworking them. Injuries brought about by carelessness and over-eagerness will only set you back.

3. Know That Crunches Won’t Ever Be Enough.

For you to get ripped abs quick, you must also burn excess body fat and build overall body muscle. In between the days you allotted for abs training, it would be best to concentrate on the rest of your body by doing full cardio workouts. That way, you get to work other muscle groups as well.

4. Eat right.

The food you eat says a lot about what your body is capable of losing…or gaining. If you eat junk and highly processed food a lot, then you’re bombarding your body with unnecessary fats and chemicals. That means, you will need to work extra hard to lose all that excess body fat.

Imagine if you stuck to healthier options like fresh vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, high-protein snacks, nuts, and fruits – you can only get that sexy body faster.

So you see, getting ripped abs quick can be achieved by simply following these 4 simple guidelines. Stick to them and you’ll rock a slamming body in no time.

Help build the list by adding a 5th tip you know of. Share your experience by adding a comment below.

5 Tips for an Effective Abs Work Out Schedule

Wanting to start an abs work out scheduleis one thing; actually STRUCTURING a six pack abs routine is another. The best part about this is that it’s not at all that complicated. Anyone can create an effective work out schedule with no trouble.

When I started my own regimen, I knew I needed to do some research about building lean muscle and properly toning my abs. The most valuable information I dug up would have to be this: You can’t expect just ONE exercise to do the trick.

Truth of the matter is, there are no miracle drugs, there is no one absolute best abdominal training equipment, and, most importantly, you cannot get ripped six pack abs by doing only one kind of exercise.

Chair of the Kinesiology Department at the Occidental College in Los Angeles Stuart Rugg, Ph.D. said, “Stop looking for the one best exercise for abs because it doesn’t exist.” The key to a well-rounded and effective abs work out schedule is the integration of a VARIETY of exercises that target the entire abdominal area. Only then will you achieve definition and core strength.

These 5 tips will surely help you jumpstart your abdominal exercise routine:

1. Complete sets in the 10-25 range. Begin at 10 reps and increase them as time goes on.

2. Start small and finish HARD. Gradually increasing reps and difficulty will put your ab muscles in great shape.

3. Perform each rep of every exercise consistently. Doing 3-4 abdominal exercises every other day should be sufficient. Keep in mind that the last rep has to be as spot-on as the first one. Slacking will only keep you further away from realizing your dream physique.

4. The duration of each rep has to be the same. When carrying out your abs work out schedule, you have to consider the timing of each rep performed. When you do a bicycle crunch, for example, it can’t take you 3 seconds to complete the 1st 10 reps and only 1 second for the rest. Again, consistency will get you the best results.

5. Perform ab-specific exercises 3-4 times a week. Don’t be afraid to include other forms of exercise in your routine. Allot 3-4 days for targeted core training and do them every other day so you won’t stress your ab muscles too much. Then, include cardio routines or sports activities during the days in between.

Read further on various abdominal muscle exercises and don’t forget to change up your routine from time to time. In the meantime, keep these 5 essential tips in mind when you create your own abs work out schedule. This will certainly give you the edge you need to get that rock-hard six-pack.

9 Great Ways to Work Out Abs

Finding the best ways to work out abscan be a challenge especially if you can’t shell out any more cash on gym memberships and personal trainers. The good news is that you can do any of these 9 great exercises without even leaving your home or using any complicated equipment.

1. Crunches. Lie on the floor and put your hands across your chest. With your legs a few inches apart, bend those knees and plant both feet firmly on the ground. Curl your shoulders upward and hold it when you get to a 45-degree angle. Slowly go back down and start all over.

2. Frog Leg Crunches. There are many ways to work out abs than just regular crunches, and this is one of them. Place your hands across your chest and lie flat on the floor with the soles of your feet touching each other, forming a diamond. Try to keep your outer thighs, knees and calves as close to the floor as possible. Lift your torso slowly while curling your pelvis and hold that position, then slowly go back down and begin again.

3. Crossover Crunches. Assume the crunch position. Instead of going up vertically, try moving diagonally, doing both sides interchangeably. This will give your obliques a really good workout.

4. Raised Leg Crunches. Different crunch variations are great ways to work out abs, so utilize as many as possible. Lie on the floor and rest both legs up on a chair or bench, keeping your thighs perpendicular to the ground. With both hands across your chest, lift your upper body toward your knees and hold it there. Slowly go back down and start over.

5. Raised Leg Knee-ins. Lie on the floor and tuck your palms beneath your hips. Keep your legs straight out and suspended a few inches above the floor. Lift one knee toward your torso, hold it there, straighten it back out, and then do the same with the other knee.

6. Hanging Single Knee Raises. These raises, although a little more challenging than the rest, are effective ways to work out abs. Hold on to a chin-up bar, your body dangling, with both hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing away from your body. Raise one knee as high as you can while trusting forward slightly. Repeat with the other knee.

7. V-Spread Toe Touches. Lie back on the floor, raise your legs up to 90 degrees, and spread them to form a V. Lift your shoulders toward the direction of one leg, reach out, and hold it for a second. Go back down and repeat on the other side.

8. Hanging Knee Raise Crossovers. This works a lot like #6, but instead of lifting one knee at a time, you lift both. Twist your pelvis as you lift your knees. These added moves are great ways to work out abs.

9. Vacuums. While keeping your upper body upright, place your hands on your hips, kneel down, cross your feet from behind, and sit on them. Exhale as you suck in your gut. Hold for a few seconds, breath in, and then repeat. Not only is this exercise effective, it’s also very relaxing.

Use these 9 great ways to work out abs and you won’t have to worry about flab ever again!

The Best Way to Work Abs

Focusing on just doing targeted abdominal exercises isn’t the best way to work abs. I’ll tell you why…

Back in the day, modern conveniences did not exist. There were no computers, no heavy-duty equipment, and hardly any desk jobs. “Hard labor” was just what the phrase implied – HARD LABOR.

As the early inhabitants of this world went through their day, they would do heavy lifting, travel great distances on foot, harvest the fields of their crops with their very hands, and rely on nothing but their own physical strength to get things done. They weren’t aware of abdominal exercises back then, were they? And yet, many of them had such toned bodies and ripped abs.

Have you ever asked yourself what their secret was?

The best way to work abs back then was to get full body workouts while doing their everyday tasks. They might have broken their backs from all that hard work, but, clearly, it gave them such well-formed physiques.

I’m not suggesting you go back to primitive ways for you to get fit. However, the idea of performing a more holistic workout routine can actually push you toward the right direction.

A complete abs workout is made up of two very important elements:

1. Full Body Fitness. Core-specific exercises are quite beneficial, especially if you want to get ripped abs. But doing exercises that target other parts of your body is also essential. Your abs make up just one part of a whole, and the best way to work abs is by involving the rest of your body.

Athletes need to build muscle and train hard for their particular sport, but you don’t see them performing only one specific exercise. Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine will get you a complete workout. Only then can you start to get a body as fit and as toned as your favorite athletes.

2. Fast Motion. Keeping a fast pace during your workout will get you to your goal quicker. Therefore, it is the best way to work abs.

You work your muscles and you keep going for as long as you can. Doing your exercises in a continuous, flowing manner will maintain your momentum and push you to greater heights.

Keep in mind, however, that you can’t just throw caution to the wind. You need to be consistent with your workout routine, but not careless. This way, you get the most out of your training without incurring any injuries.

Indeed, the best way to work abs is to constantly work the whole body. Always incorporate these two important elements in your fitness plan and you’ll do just fine.

What other methods do you have to work your abs? Share your secrets below.

Get Female Abs – Six Pack Women Secrets

Most fitness trainers hear the question “How do I get a flat stomach?”The truth is getting a sexy body is going to take work. But with the help of female abs six pack women secrets, it will be a piece of cake. Getting a flat stomach and sculpted abs is going to take a combination of good nutrition, cardio exercise and exercises to target the ab muscles themselves. The best results happen when you combine all three of these techniques.

1. Good nutrition is the foundation for fitness. It is the key secret of female abs six pack women. You’ve got to control the kind and amount of food that you put into your body on a daily basis. If you get most of your calories from fast food and processed junk, you are not going to have a healthy body.

When you eat natural and whole foods, you’ll create a healthy physique. You’ll also give your body the best chance it has to create lean, tight abs.

Instead of cutting calories, try spreading your food intake out throughout the day into five to six small meals a day. You’ll keep your metabolism fired up all day long and burn more fat.

2. Exercise is the second important component of the female abs six pack women secrets. Cardio exercise is the best way to burn fat. It doesn’t matter what type you pick as long as you do it regularly.


Cardio exercise can include running, walking, dancing and cycling. Whatever moves your body and gets your heart pumping faster will help you burn fat. You’ll lose the fat that has built up over your ab muscles.

3. The last and most important female abs six pack women secret you should know is to continue with exercises specifically targeted to work your abdominal muscles.

Remember your ab muscles have three different layers. To reach all three, it is better to do less reps at a more intense pace.

A lot of women believe they need to do 50 to 100 crunches per day. They think that’s one great female abs six pack women secret. If you do these many reps, how can you be sure that you are using the right form? It’s better to do less reps correctly than lots of reps. When crunches are done properly, 15 to 20 a day should be plenty.

To do a proper crunch, you’ll have to focus on using you abdominal muscles, and not your back or arms, to lift your torso. Raise your head slowly and stop as your muscles contract. Don’t try to touch your knees. Hold the position for a few seconds and then slowly return your head to the floor.

The key is in doing each crunch slowly and deliberately. Don’t power through them. Feel the muscles contract and hold them. This is the best way to get your dream body. Now, isn’t it good to know all the female abs six pack women secrets?