How to Get Flat Stomach By Obeying These 4 Simple Rules!…

Everyone wants to look their very best in order to boost their self confidence. One of the confidence-boosting factors include having a flat stomach because you can wear anything you want, even those tight skinny jeans you recently bought. Sometimes you wonder “how to get flat stomach?” It’s really pretty simple but you will need the utmost dedication to strictly follow all the rules in order to get that sexy abs.


The first rule on how to get flat stomach is eating right. A lot of people may struggle to correct their eating habits because they have been used to eating a lot of junk food, a habit that can cause health problems in the long run. When you’re trying to lose body fat, exercising won’t be much help if you don’t change your eating habits. For this, you need to aim for well balanced and nutritional meals which should be consumed in smaller portions in your new five to six meal servings each day. This kind of eating habit increases your metabolism, which in turn will signal your body to burn more fat in the process.

If you seriously want a flat stomach, a good eating strategy will get you there fast. The problem is that  most diets are only temporary and can cause you to gain even more fat in the long-run. I recently purchased the Diet Solution program and found it to be great approach to eating for a flat stomach. The author, Isabel, take a realistic approach to eating that ultimately has your body burn fat, even when you’re not in the gym. Click here to start eating to get a flat stomach…


Another how to get flat stomach rule you should perpetually practice is having a cardio exercise at least three times a week. This is the way to burn off the calories you’re taking in as well as those stubborn fat deposits you currently have. You don’t always have to jog, run, or sprint for your cardio workout. Why not try fun activities such as dancing or perhaps playing sports? As long as the activity gets your heart rate up, you’re burning fat and calories.


For the third how to get flat stomach rule, we also recommend having an interval training at least twice a week to burn more calories and to boost your metabolism even more. Interval trainings are rigorous workouts such as intense aerobic exercises, weight training, and any other sweat-pumping activities where you workout at about 80-90% for a short time period, followed by a period of less intensity. Then repeat. Click here to learn about an insanely effective type of interval training…


If you haven’t already, you should also work your abs to tone your stomach muscles AND the rest of your body. As you lose some fat on your mid-section, you will eventually have a flatter stomach and in the long run, you will see those abdominal muscles emerging. This is the last key factor on how to get flat stomach. ;-)

What other rules do you have to get a flatter stomach? Share them by commenting below.

The 3 Absolute Rules on How to Get Killer Abs!

We’ve all wondered about how to get killer absat some point in our lives. After reading many articles in health magazines and websites, I’m sure you already know that there are many ways to achieve it. The secret (if there is one) is that you integrate the RIGHT strategies instead of just relying on one.

It’s not as hard as you think. It only seems like it because you haven’t even started yet. But once you get the ball rolling, things will just start to fall into place.

There are 3 key strategies to creating an effective fitness plan. No, it does not involve paying for a personal trainer or signing up for expensive pre-packed food to be delivered to your home. If you want to know how to get killer abs, simply keep in mind these 3 simple points:

  1. Healthy Eating
  2. Abs Targeting
  3. Complete Muscle Strengthening

Healthy Eating


Knowing what your body fat percentage can help you determine which foods you need to cut down on. You can easily find out what your body fat percentage is by asking your doctor or a fitness trainer at the gym.

If yours is especially high, that means you will need to work extra hard at building ab muscles. It also means you will need to change your diet.

No amount of sit ups or crunches will get you six pack abs if you have a considerable amount of fat surrounding your abdominal area. How to get killer abs when you’re battling the bulge? Start eating healthy, that’s how.

With a low fat diet, you can easily burn stored body fat. Try getting more leafy greens and lean meats into your meals. In the meantime, you need to avoid foods that are high in saturated fat, such as chips, French fries, fried chicken, and processed canned meat.

Abs Targeting

Abs targeting is definitely the icing on the cake since it directly involves your abdominal muscles. With excess fat out of the way, you can get your midsection into shape just by performing 3 abs targeting exercises every other day. You now have a better idea how a healthy, low fat diet can be advantageous while doing targeted abs exercises.

Doing 5-10 reps of each exercise, while gradually increasing your reps as your fitness level improves, is how to get killer abs. Sit ups, crunches, and bicycles are examples of very basic yet highly effective abs targeting exercises.

Complete Muscle Strengthening


While you work on your abdominals, it is also important that you strengthen and condition other muscle groups as well. Here’s why:

  • You get faster, long-lasting results
  • You reduce the risk of injury
  • You give your abdominal muscles a break
  • You allow your whole body to get in shape

Choose from a wide array of full body workouts, including swimming, yoga, martial arts, and boxing.

How to get killer abs isn’t cryptic at all. You just have to cover all the bases – get your diet right, work on those abs, and involve the rest of your body.

How to Perform Flat Stomach Exercises Not Abs

Alot of people focus on exercises for their abs to get a flat stomach. But did you know that the key to your toned tummy might be in exercising your transverse muscles?

The transverse muscles are the most overlooked group of abdominal muscles. While plenty of exercises focus on the upper and lower abs, the transverse muscles are actually very powerful. If you want flat stomach exercises not abs, then try working on the transverse muscles.

These muscles lie at the deepest level of your abdominal muscles. They act like a girdle to hold and support your entire midsection. The transverse muscles lie horizontally to keep your organs in place and put pressure on your abdomen.

They also connect with your back muscles. They help keep your “core” together. The right kind of flat stomach exercises not abs will focus on these transverse muscles.

If you want a flat stomach, focus on your transverse muscles. Throughout the day, holding your stomach muscles in will work these muscles naturally. You can also do specific flat stomach exercises not abs that will work out these muscles even more.

Here are some great exercises to get your transverse muscles toned:

The Stomach Squeeze

Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent.
Place your hands on your lower stomach, on either side of your belly button. Press two fingers from each hand on your abdomen.
Gently begin to draw your lower abdomen down towards the floor. Try not to suck in your stomach, but use your muscles to contract.
As soon as you feel your stomach muscles getting tight, stop the motion. The muscles underneath your stomach should feel taut.
Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, and breath normally the entire time. Release the squeeze and do 10 repetitions.

Scissor Kicks

Start by lying on the floor, with your hands under your bottom and your back pressed against the floor.
Raise one leg about 10 inches off of the ground and slowly lower it back down. As you lower one leg, raise the other.
Do three sets of 10 repetitions.

Pelvic Tilts

Begin by lying on the floor with your back pressed against the floor.
Bend your knees keeping your feet on the ground.
Slowly lift your pelvis up and hold for the count of 5 before lowering slowly back down to the ground. Your upper body should remain totally on the floor.
Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

Complete these flat stomach exercises not abs every other day and increase your reps as your strength increases.

Flatter Lower Abs – Health and Safety Tips

If you want flatter lower abs, you should know that your upper abs and lower abs require different exercises if you are building muscles, but not if you’re just toning them.

If you are looking to just tone muscles, then any good group of exercises aimed at the abdominals will deliver the results you need. Of course, you have to do them properly.

Also, doing too many, too soon, is not a good idea. Avoid straining, especially the neck and lower back. You can permanently injure your spine if you aren’t careful.

Body building can be quite different from normal exercising. Building aims at isolating the upper and lower abdominals causing development in different areas.

However, some instructors caution against too much lower ab concentration. They claim that this, also, is a formula for back fatigue and strain, and it doesn’t give you enough isolation to make a difference in specific muscle definition.

The following are some good general low-impact exercises for the abs, which are easy on the lower back and spine.

1. Easy Lower Ab Exercise #1

Sit with your legs extended out to the width of your shoulders. Keep feet pointed up and arms out to your sides, at chest level. Tuck in your abdominals and lean to touch each foot, using the opposite arm, one at a time.

2. Easy Lower ab Exercise #2

Sit with your legs extended in front of you, about your hip width apart. Your toes should point up and keep your knees slightly bent. Pull your abdominals in towards your back. Extend your arms in front of you at chest level, as if you were sliding your arms across a smooth surface. Keep your shoulders relaxed.

3. Easy Lower Ab Exercise #3

Sit on floor with legs bent to the left, right foot near left knee, in a comfortable position. Hold your left shin with left hand, and extend right arm overhead. Look up to the right and gently stretch to the left. Switch sides and repeat the exercise. This is a Yoga move.

If you are body building and need to specifically target the lower abs, here is an excellent exercise, guaranteed to give you results:

  1. Lay on the ground, legs straight, with hands tucked under your bottom.
  2. Tighten abdominal muscles. Keep head and lower back on the floor.
  3. Raise your legs arcing back to a 90 angle, making an “L” shape of your body. Try not to lock your knees. Focus on your ab muscles, instead.
  4. Don’t raise your back off the floor. Lower the legs slowly and repeat.
  5. As you gain strength in those abs, you can stop just before your feet touch the floor and do it again.

These will all work to give you flatter lower abs, and they won’t hurt your neck or lower back. Remember, safety should be the first consideration in your workout routine.

Get a Six Pack – 3 Tips For A Flat Stomach

We have collected and summarized three essential tips for a flat stomach, which we believe are the key factors in achieving those six packs you’re dreaming of. By strictly following these guidelines, you will be able to get the results faster than you think.

The first thing you have to watch out for in flattening your stomach is your daily diet, this is, after all, the main cause of fat build up in our bodies. If you are used to eating junk foods, it’s time for you to change all that. By eating five to six smaller proportioned healthy meals each day, you are encouraging an increase in your metabolism. When your metabolism is increased, your body is automatically programmed to burn more calories, even the stubborn fat deposits from your belly. Heed these tips for a flat stomach and you’ll get a six pack in no time.

The tips for a flat stomach also include undergoing daily cardio exercises as your fat burning workout routine. Let me tell you this, we all have six packs. The only reason why we can’t see them is because they are covered with thick layers of fat. When we eliminate the fat, we will eventually see our six packs emerging. Cardio exercises don’t always have to be jogging, sprinting, cycling, or any other common notion about cardio exercises. You can choose from various sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton and a whole lot more. As long as they get your heart rate up, then you’re clearly burning off those calories from your body, especially on your mid-section.

For a leaner, more toned, and sexier flat stomach, you will need to do abdominal exercises. This is one of the best tips for a flat stomach. However, you won’t be able to achieve a flat stomach by doing this tip alone. You should incorporate the previously mentioned tips as well. Once you have eliminated the fat covering your six packs, toning and building your six packs will be much easier.

What’s your best flat stomach tip? Let other users know by sharing your comments below.