Great Abs In A Month

If you want to have great abs in a month, there are 3 things you need to do.

  1. Workouts
  2. Diet
  3. Activity

Most people believe they can get by with joining a gym. You can, if you eat moderately and work out four times a week for six months. But, if you want great abs in a month, you need to put in a little more effort.

Everyone else thinks that exercise and diet are all there is to it. That is the biggest part, but not all. There’s another great strategy – it won’t give you great abs in one month, but it will help. Let’s cover these 3 first.


Always start by warming up. Body stretches that focus the abs with side twists and front and side bends are good. Don’t cut this short. At least 15 minutes of just warming up will double what you get out of your routine, and help you avoid muscle strain and soreness.

Throw in some aerobics. Pick something you can do in 20 to 45 minutes, that gets blood circulating and burns calories as well. Jumping rope, swimming, using the rowing machine and regular aerobics are all good for your heart and your abdominal muscles, as well.

Now you are ready for the leg lifts, crunches, ball crunches, curls, bicycles and weights. A good gauge of what you need is to try doing ten. Whatever you can do is a set for you.

Do one set of each. Rest, stretch, walk around, then do one more of each. The next time you start, your set will contain one more of each exercise. Repeat this till your up to multiples, then switch off to something more intense.

If you’re a female, you might try just leg lifts or reverse crunches instead of standard crunches. They are less hard on the neck, a frequent point of strain for many women due to anatomy.

And diet?

You are going to get out of it what you put into it. This doesn’t mean you should starve, but if you don’t reduce your caloric intake to less than you burn each day, you won’t lose a pound. Since most extra pounds are fat, you need to shed them to expose those abdominal muscles hiding underneath.


  • give up desserts and junk food
  • reduce bread and other starchy foods, like pasta and rice
  • increase vegetable and fruit intake
  • increase your water consumption

Other activities

If you don’t know it yet, the gym or mat is not the only place to give yourself a good workout.

You can:

  • spend a few hours on a weekend morning walking the dog.
  • take up rowing, swimming, hiking, rock climbing, just for a start.
  • stretch every chance you get. This means at work, also – some isometric exercises require no more than resistance, like a wall, and they’re great for abs.
  • walk to the store instead of driving

Note: There is one more thing that is important, and that’s your posture. If you slump or lean when standing, you will never look fit, no matter how much time you spend exercising. Think good posture all the time.

  1. Sit up straight in your chair, at work and home.
  2. Imagine a cord that lifts you from the top of your head. Let it pull you up, stand tall and then relax.
  3. Think posture when you work out and you’ll get more out of your exercise and avoid back strain, as well.

Most exercise outside of the gym is free, and it will keep you healthy long after those abs have turned into washboards.

Exercise Tips – Abs (Not) to Die For

One of the biggest exercise tips abs exercises is this: Exercise is just one facet of any fitness program. Diet plays just as important a role as any exercise regimen.

Using the two together, you’ll make twice the progress.

Exercise tips abs will definitely improve your muscle tone, but to really make a difference you need more. Exercise needs fuel to burn and to develop muscle mass. Before you begin exercising, make sure that you’ve got a workout and a diet plan in place. Exercise is an important component, but real results require a healthy diet and cardio workout, as well.

You may be on some kind of diet anyway, but it may not be the right kind for serious exercise. Protein is requisite for building muscle mass. To make sure that you get lean muscles, you should follow strict exercise tips abs by reducing fats and sugars, and consuming a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

For a lot of people, this can be a big change from their normal eating routines. For others, such as vegetarians, it may be de rigour. If you eat out a lot, you probably eat a lot of stuff that’s got more fats, sugars, and calories than anything that you prepare for yourself.

Gourmet French cuisine may be a joy, but it may not be the best idea for improving your abs. Try sushi, or a vegetarian restaurant. Both of these routinely have less fat and calories, while still maintaining proper protein levels.

When executing exercise tips abs, safety should always come first.

Get an exercise mat, or use a carpeted floor. Make sure that your room’s temperature is comfortable, and make sure that you stay well hydrated.

Burning or tingling can be signs of overworking your muscles, which can lead to injuries and strains. If you feel any burning or tingling after exercising, perform less repetitions at one time.

Start off slow and work your way up as you become ready. Exercising once every other day is a good starting point. Start with only 5-10 repetitions of each exercise and take a short rest between exercises. When you feel ready, try increasing up to 3 sets of 20 repetitions, and don’t forget to pause between them.

The best exercise tips abs don’t require any pricey equipment. A study at San Diego State University put 13 abdominal exercises against each other to find out which ones were the best, scientifically. Some of the top performers can be done in your own home easily.

  • Weighted Sit Ups
  • Ball Crunches
  • Full Body Crunches
  • Bicycles

Exercise on a regular schedule, and follow these exercise tips, and great abs will soon follow. Proper development takes time, but you will feel a difference quickly. The longer you practice your regimen, the longer you will keep the results.

If you follow these exercise tips abs, your dreams will become a waking reality.

The Flat Stomach Workout – The Bicycle Exercise

If you want to achieve a leaner and toner abs, you should have a regular flat stomach workout. The best and fastest way to get that flat stomach and target the three main abdominal muscles is by doing the bicycle exercise. What is the bicycle exercise anyway? It is a simple exercise done by lying down on your back while imitating the movements of cycling.

Grab your exercising mat and lay it down on the floor. Now lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, and slightly bend your knees while lifting them towards your chest. This is the starting position. Now, lift your shoulders off the floor using your abdominal muscles and straighten your right leg at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn your body towards the left, making sure that your right elbow touches your bent left knee.

Now, switch sides, do the same cycle on your right, making sure that your left elbow touches your right bent knee, your left leg should be straightened this time. Alternate the movements simultaneously and you’ll notice that you’re doing a cycling motion. Do you feel the abdominals muscles working? You should feel the burn on your upper abs, lower abs, and side obliques while doing this flat stomach workout.

What other flat stomach exercises can you share? Let us know by entering your comments below.

Exercises for Washboard Abs

Most of us are still wondering what the right exercises for washboard absare, much less how to do them. Find out the most effective exercises for toning, strengthening, and ripping your abs.

Before you begin exercising, make sure that you’ve got a diet and workout plan in place. Exercises are important, but getting washboard abs requires a healthy diet and cardio workout, as well.

The most effective exercises for a set of washboard abs are:

  • Weighted Sit Ups
  • Ball Crunches
  • Full Body Crunches
  • Bicycles

Begin with 5 repetitions of each exercise and gradually work up to 20, several times per week. To avoid injury, start out slowly and step up your workout at your own pace.

Weighted Sit Ups

Required: A small weight or similarly sized object(a hardcover book or bag of flour)

  1. Lie down on the floor with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent.
  2. Place the weight on your chest and hold it in place with both hands.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles.
  4. Slowly lift your head and back up from the floor, while keeping your feet on the ground.
  5. Go up as high as you can and hold it for a second.
  6. Then slowly return down and repeat.

Ball Crunches

Required: An exercise ball

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor and sit on the exercise ball.
  2. Lie back slowly, letting the ball gently roll until your thighs and torso are in a parallel line with the floor.
  3. Begin raising your torso halfway up, while contracting your abdominal muscles.
  4. When you reach a 45 degree incline, stop and lie back down slowly.

Full Body Crunches

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and place your hands across your chest.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles.
  4. Bring your shoulder blades up off of the floor several inches while bringing your knees up at the same time.
  5. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower yourself.


  1. Lie flat on the floor.
  2. Rest your hands up next to your head and bring your knees halfway up.
  3. Begin a bicycling motion with your legs.
  4. Alternate between touching your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee. Repeat.

When exercising, common sense and safety should be observed. If possible, exercise on an exercise mat or carpeted floor in a room with a moderate temperature. Keep yourself well hydrated. If you feel burning or tingling, perform less repetitions at one time.

If you follow these exercises for washboard abs and maintain a sensible diet and workout plan, soon you’ll have that washboard look you’ve always wanted.

What other exercises for washboard abs can you think of? Add to the list by leaving your comments below.

How to Have a Flat Stomach on a Budget

Everyone wants to know how to have a flat stomach. Some have an idea how to go about it, but are easily discouraged because of two things: financial constraints and not having the luxury of time.

Save Money

How much do gym memberships cost nowadays? It’s been a while since I even entered one, but I’m pretty sure they don’t come cheap. Not to mention the “extras” they’re going to charge you; locker room fees, personal trainer fees…the list probably doesn’t end there.

Question is: do you need a prestigious gym membership to get a flat tummy? I think not. If you want to find out how to have a flat stomach, you can easily do so without spending your hard-earned money on gym membership.

If you have a few hundred dollars lying around and can actually afford to pay for gym membership, by all means, go for it! There are plenty of advantages to being an active gym member. Even though you can get a lot from it, gym membership is not required.

Instead, work on your abs in the privacy of your own home. It can be quite a liberating experience, I tell you.

Haven’t showered? That’s fine. The car’s still in the shop? It’s cool because you won’t even have to step out on the driveway. Need to watch the kids? Pop in their favorite video and send the babysitter on their way. Got nothing new to wear? No one’s going to care!

How to have a flat stomach without breaking the bank? Stay where you are and enjoy the comforts of your own home.

Save Time

As it is, our busy schedules prevent us from doing leisurely activities and exciting new things. Work, school, family affairs, and even REST can eat up a lot of hours. No wonder many consider exercise as a dispensable pastime.

That shouldn’t be the case. Truly, CONSISTENCY paired with hard work will surely show you how to have a flat stomach.

Work up a sweat first thing in the morning, in the middle of the day, or even late into the night; there’s no pressure. For as long as you do your exercise routine regularly, it really doesn’t matter what time of day you choose to work out. Just make sure that you’re comfortable and it doesn’t disrupt your daily routine.

If anything, consistently working out at a particular time of day can be very habit-forming. Before you even realize it, you won’t even need to make an effort plotting your work out schedule; it’ll just be as natural as…going to the bathroom.

So you see, exercising and working for six pack abs don’t have to cost you much. Save on time and money but put in the same, if not more, effort into you fitness program, no matter where you are, no matter what time of day. Who knows, other people could turn to YOU and ask how to have a flat stomach.

Do you have your own cost effective flat stomach tips you’d like to share? Feel free to do so below.