The Best Way to Work Abs

Focusing on just doing targeted abdominal exercises isn’t the best way to work abs. I’ll tell you why…

Back in the day, modern conveniences did not exist. There were no computers, no heavy-duty equipment, and hardly any desk jobs. “Hard labor” was just what the phrase implied – HARD LABOR.

As the early inhabitants of this world went through their day, they would do heavy lifting, travel great distances on foot, harvest the fields of their crops with their very hands, and rely on nothing but their own physical strength to get things done. They weren’t aware of abdominal exercises back then, were they? And yet, many of them had such toned bodies and ripped abs.

Have you ever asked yourself what their secret was?

The best way to work abs back then was to get full body workouts while doing their everyday tasks. They might have broken their backs from all that hard work, but, clearly, it gave them such well-formed physiques.

I’m not suggesting you go back to primitive ways for you to get fit. However, the idea of performing a more holistic workout routine can actually push you toward the right direction.

A complete abs workout is made up of two very important elements:

1. Full Body Fitness. Core-specific exercises are quite beneficial, especially if you want to get ripped abs. But doing exercises that target other parts of your body is also essential. Your abs make up just one part of a whole, and the best way to work abs is by involving the rest of your body.

Athletes need to build muscle and train hard for their particular sport, but you don’t see them performing only one specific exercise. Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine will get you a complete workout. Only then can you start to get a body as fit and as toned as your favorite athletes.

2. Fast Motion. Keeping a fast pace during your workout will get you to your goal quicker. Therefore, it is the best way to work abs.

You work your muscles and you keep going for as long as you can. Doing your exercises in a continuous, flowing manner will maintain your momentum and push you to greater heights.

Keep in mind, however, that you can’t just throw caution to the wind. You need to be consistent with your workout routine, but not careless. This way, you get the most out of your training without incurring any injuries.

Indeed, the best way to work abs is to constantly work the whole body. Always incorporate these two important elements in your fitness plan and you’ll do just fine.

What other methods do you have to work your abs? Share your secrets below.

How to Get Nice Abs – 3 Tips for the Perfect Workout Environment

I’m sure you’ve read countless magazine articles and web posts on how to get nice abs. Sometimes, it may start to feel like a chore. This leads to passivity and, most often than not, laziness.

The best way to work out your abs is by making it as comfortable and as fun as possible. Sure, it is considered as WORK. But as with any other form of labor, you must enjoy every second to really get the most out of it.

Once you get your total fitness plan all ironed out, it is time to figure out WHERE you can carry out these exercises. Answering this question will better help you understand how to get nice abs.

Establishing a favorable workout environment allows your mind and body to become at ease even while doing the most challenging of exercises. In doing so, you are simultaneously creating a routine that, ultimately, can be stress-free and fun. I mean, who wouldn’t want a pleasant workout experience?

The More the Merrier

If you get motivation from working with others or if you generally need support while doing your ab routine, then going to the gym or other exercise facilities would be ideal for you. Most of these establishments have free trial sessions or, if you’re lucky, extended trial periods. Taking advantage of these promotions will help you make up your mind easily.

People you work out with can definitely show you how to get nice abs, especially if they have six pack abs themselves. Working out with equally driven individuals can be very encouraging, and you can even pick up more tips along the way.

The Lone Star

Exercising in the midst of gorgeous bodies and health buffs could be highly motivating, but it can also go the other way, especially if you don’t feel comfortable around many people. The idea of keeping up with the exercise maniac next to you can be somewhat intimidating, I get that.

But don’t you worry because you can still get results fast even when you work out on your own. The best part is that you won’t even have to leave your house.

How to get nice abs at home, you ask? All you need to do is pick a peaceful spot; somewhere spacious and private, like your bedroom, the basement, your garage, or even the backyard.

The Right Stuff

Stocking up on useful yet inexpensive exercise tools can also ensure a fun and effective workout. Some things you might want to have lying around are decent workout music, an exercise mat, an exercise ball, interactive workout videos, and the like.

You can easily stack and store these items in a shelf or storage room nearby. Less hassle and double the fun, that’s what we’re going for.

Consistency will definitely show you how to get nice abs. By picking the most convenient and comfortable workout environment, you can enjoy every minute and get really nice abs in no time at all.

Build Lower Abs Fast – 3 Steps to a Full-proof Exercise Plan

People come up to me all the time and tell me how hard it is for them to build lower abs. As I probed into their fitness regimen, I learned they all had one common mistake – they’ve got the abdominal exercises down, but they either leave out the cardio or neglect to eat the right kinds of food.

Any successful fitness plan would involve working the whole body and not just your abs. Also, exercising your butt off is never enough; eating healthy plays a big part as well.

You can have all the workout equipment on the planet, hire the best trainers, join all the prestigious gyms, and still not build lower abs if you don’t include ALL 3 steps in your exercise plan:

  1. Follow a low fat diet;
  2. Perform regular cardiovascular exercise; and
  3. Execute targeted lower abs exercises.

Doing one without the other two will do you some good. But that wouldn’t be enough, would it. Imagine what you can achieve when you do all three.

Cutting down on your fat intake will allow your body to burn stored body fat. Before your muscles appear to be cut and well-defined, you need to get rid of the layers of fat that are covering them.

To build lower abs effectively, include a lot of whole grains, lean meats, and a few good fats in your meals. Here are some food items that you can stock up on the next time you go to the supermarket:

  • Leafy greens
  • Colorful veggies (e.g. carrots, peas, cauliflower, bell peppers, asparagus)
  • Brown rice
  • Tofu
  • Fresh fruits (e.g. berries, apples, bananas, oranges)
  • Beans
  • Nuts

Stay away from fatty, processed, and starchy foods; they can only set you back from your goal. Here are some things you must avoid in your diet:

  • Junk food
  • Deep-fried foods
  • Soda
  • Candy
  • Beer

To reinforce your diet, you must stick to a good cardiovascular routine. Doing cardio 2 to 3 times a week will definitely help you build lower abs fast. These holistic exercises help build muscle mass and increase metabolism.

Full cardio workouts include running, walking, swimming, and yoga. If you feel like doing something new, try out a workout video. There are so many to choose from.

The last and final step to build lower abs is directly targeting the muscle group itself.

Standard crunches and full body crunches are two of the easiest, most effective core-specific exercises you can do. Performing these exercises 3 to 5 times a week at 20 to 25 reps per exercise will definitely speed things up.

If you’re really serious about your exercise plan, you can successfully build lower abs by including all three steps. Besides, it only takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete your cardio and abs exercises, and even less to think about what to eat everyday. Stick to your program and you’ll get ripped abs sooner than you think.

Exercise Tips – Abs (Not) to Die For

One of the biggest exercise tips abs exercises is this: Exercise is just one facet of any fitness program. Diet plays just as important a role as any exercise regimen.

Using the two together, you’ll make twice the progress.

Exercise tips abs will definitely improve your muscle tone, but to really make a difference you need more. Exercise needs fuel to burn and to develop muscle mass. Before you begin exercising, make sure that you’ve got a workout and a diet plan in place. Exercise is an important component, but real results require a healthy diet and cardio workout, as well.

You may be on some kind of diet anyway, but it may not be the right kind for serious exercise. Protein is requisite for building muscle mass. To make sure that you get lean muscles, you should follow strict exercise tips abs by reducing fats and sugars, and consuming a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

For a lot of people, this can be a big change from their normal eating routines. For others, such as vegetarians, it may be de rigour. If you eat out a lot, you probably eat a lot of stuff that’s got more fats, sugars, and calories than anything that you prepare for yourself.

Gourmet French cuisine may be a joy, but it may not be the best idea for improving your abs. Try sushi, or a vegetarian restaurant. Both of these routinely have less fat and calories, while still maintaining proper protein levels.

When executing exercise tips abs, safety should always come first.

Get an exercise mat, or use a carpeted floor. Make sure that your room’s temperature is comfortable, and make sure that you stay well hydrated.

Burning or tingling can be signs of overworking your muscles, which can lead to injuries and strains. If you feel any burning or tingling after exercising, perform less repetitions at one time.

Start off slow and work your way up as you become ready. Exercising once every other day is a good starting point. Start with only 5-10 repetitions of each exercise and take a short rest between exercises. When you feel ready, try increasing up to 3 sets of 20 repetitions, and don’t forget to pause between them.

The best exercise tips abs don’t require any pricey equipment. A study at San Diego State University put 13 abdominal exercises against each other to find out which ones were the best, scientifically. Some of the top performers can be done in your own home easily.

  • Weighted Sit Ups
  • Ball Crunches
  • Full Body Crunches
  • Bicycles

Exercise on a regular schedule, and follow these exercise tips, and great abs will soon follow. Proper development takes time, but you will feel a difference quickly. The longer you practice your regimen, the longer you will keep the results.

If you follow these exercise tips abs, your dreams will become a waking reality.

Exercises for Washboard Abs

Most of us are still wondering what the right exercises for washboard absare, much less how to do them. Find out the most effective exercises for toning, strengthening, and ripping your abs.

Before you begin exercising, make sure that you’ve got a diet and workout plan in place. Exercises are important, but getting washboard abs requires a healthy diet and cardio workout, as well.

The most effective exercises for a set of washboard abs are:

  • Weighted Sit Ups
  • Ball Crunches
  • Full Body Crunches
  • Bicycles

Begin with 5 repetitions of each exercise and gradually work up to 20, several times per week. To avoid injury, start out slowly and step up your workout at your own pace.

Weighted Sit Ups

Required: A small weight or similarly sized object(a hardcover book or bag of flour)

  1. Lie down on the floor with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent.
  2. Place the weight on your chest and hold it in place with both hands.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles.
  4. Slowly lift your head and back up from the floor, while keeping your feet on the ground.
  5. Go up as high as you can and hold it for a second.
  6. Then slowly return down and repeat.

Ball Crunches

Required: An exercise ball

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor and sit on the exercise ball.
  2. Lie back slowly, letting the ball gently roll until your thighs and torso are in a parallel line with the floor.
  3. Begin raising your torso halfway up, while contracting your abdominal muscles.
  4. When you reach a 45 degree incline, stop and lie back down slowly.

Full Body Crunches

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and place your hands across your chest.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles.
  4. Bring your shoulder blades up off of the floor several inches while bringing your knees up at the same time.
  5. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower yourself.


  1. Lie flat on the floor.
  2. Rest your hands up next to your head and bring your knees halfway up.
  3. Begin a bicycling motion with your legs.
  4. Alternate between touching your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee. Repeat.

When exercising, common sense and safety should be observed. If possible, exercise on an exercise mat or carpeted floor in a room with a moderate temperature. Keep yourself well hydrated. If you feel burning or tingling, perform less repetitions at one time.

If you follow these exercises for washboard abs and maintain a sensible diet and workout plan, soon you’ll have that washboard look you’ve always wanted.

What other exercises for washboard abs can you think of? Add to the list by leaving your comments below.